Stripping basket from feathercraft

Anyone have the stripping basket that feathercraft sells KR line lender? Hows does everyone like it? I still have yet to make up my mind on one.

Well, here I go again. I have yet to find any basket that I actually like. No, I have not tried them all. I just gave up after a few hundred.

Dear jkilroy,

You can make one in a pinch for about $ 3.00 or $ 4.00 if you need to do it.

Just go to your local big box discount retail store and buy an el-cheapo small plastic dish drainer, it will be approximately 9" X 14", and it should have a solid bottom and slatted sides.

You need the slatted sides so the tub can’t fill up with water if a wave washes over it. You also want a relatively flimsy tub so that it will conform to your body when you attach it with a belt.

Get about 3 or 4 feet of size .080 weed whacker line and a cordless drill and drill twelve holes in the bottom. Take 8 inches of weed whacker line and stick one end into each of two opposing holes. Hit the end of the line sticking through the bottom with a lit kitchen match or a lighter to melt the end so it won’t pull through. Keep repeating until you have a half dozen staggered hoops in the bottom.

Put an old cheap belt through the side and cinch it on your body and try it out. It’s not the absolute be-all and end-all of stripping baskets, but it will work pretty well.

Best Wishes,
Avalon :smiley:

You know, if some one could make a vacum cleaner that was silent, they might be on to something. kIf someone coule make a car that got 100 miles to the gallon they might be on to something. If some one could make a stripping basket that was surperb and did back flips…they might be on to something.

Dear Jonezee,

That will happen the day that people admit they are ones who stepped on their fly line and caused the cracks in it.

Best Wishes,
Tim Murphy :smiley:

The William Joseph collapsible basket doesn’t have “fingers” in it but it works well.
A few years ago my wife and I went to Maine for one of her class reunions and it was during striper season. I bought the W-J stripping basket and was well satisfied with it’s operation. (Yup, caught a small striper during the reunion.)
Since then I’ve found it useful while fishing from shore or in our canoe. Keeps the line clean and not underfoot.
Took a litte getting used to, but it’s an asset in fresh water as well.


IMOHO a stripping basket is a stripping basket

littlebrook: sounds like there is a reader’s cast in your reunion story. I mean, just putting stripers and a class reunion together, and adding the spouse . . . it sounds like there is a story in there somewhere. JGW

I haven’t seen it, but the only stripping basket I would buy, especially for saltwater, would have to have the fingers.

The best one, in my opinion, is from Orivs, the second best from L.L. Bean.

If you want something “portable” I would go with the soft, folding one from Orvis.


Jonzee, this one time I will dissagree with you. A stripping basket is not always a basket. It could be one of these. :twisted:


I have a wonderful, very understanding wife - but she’s not THAT understanding.
I also have a computer that doesn’t spell very well.
I goofed! The fish was a stripper and the basket was a stripping basket. End of somewhat sensational story.
Thanks for the heads-up.


The fish was a what? :shock:


You know, one of those fish that dances the “Dance of the Seven Scales.” One that’ll show a little fin… that has some bodacious gills.

A stripper fish.


…oh, and will wag its tail in front of anybody.


I don’t know, I get a smile everytime one of these strings gets going. Always at someones expense but, what the heck… :twisted:

Most stripping baskets are a pain, especially when you have long arms, but they’re better than nothing. I do carry a soft one in the car because it folds flat but the hard one from LL Bean is about the best I’ve seen and it’s very reasonable.

Never saw a stripper fish. Do they wear clothes so they can strip? :slight_smile:

ive got the william joseph collapsable, dont use it a whole lot, but it comes in handy at times

This is poetic! It’s going from bad to verse!
Hokay! The stripper I caught in Maine didn’t have scales. OK?
That’s my story and I’m only lying a little.
Thye salmon are in the Ocqueoc and the steelhead can’t be far behind. No more stripers/strippers! Maybe a big brown!