What is everyone freshwater striper go to fly for lakes and river?
Would flatwing fly consider one?
I have been having luck with clouser minnow, flashtail whistler, and small bunny fly -aka bunny baitfish from steelhead fly pattern. These flies been catching striper, hybrid and whitebass for me in northeast georgia lake and river on fast sinking line.

Sounds to me like you’ve already got a good arsenal there. I rely pretty heavily on clousers myself, and bunny baitfish streamers can’t be beat. I’ve been playing with epoxy minnows lately and doing very well on whites and hybrids (at least until this last cold snap sent everything to deep water)so the same in bigger sizes should be true for stripers. A friend of mine gave me some flies that resemble Popovic’s surf candy series except the the wing is made from Puglisi 3-D fibers with a little flash on each side for a lateral line. I’m going to spend the winter filling a box with these so I’ll be ready in the Spring.

I would add Lefty’s Deceivers and Mighty Minnows to the previous mentioned flies.


That’s an easyone for me. Unless the fishing are actually breaking on the surface, the go to fly would have to be a Clouser in a variety of colors and sizes. If the fish are on the surface, it would be a Crease Fly in a variety of colors and sizes. 8T :smiley: