straightening guide

I just noticed I bent a chrome snake guide on a fly rod. It’s bent towards the blank. Is there anyway I can bend it back into place? It’s not a reall big deal to replace it, but it owuld be even easier if I could bend it.

If it’s not too out of whack it’s easy to fix it. The trick is it to do it with out scratching the wire.

I would use a wire bending round nose pliers. This style of pliers hase two tapered rods for jaws and is desighned for bending wire. I would wrap each jaw with tape for extra scratch protection.

Then just tweak the wire back into place.

that’s what i typically use when I have one bent, you can grab them at Hobby Lobby, Jo Anns, or Micheals for about 5-7 bucks or some times less.


Hi Kengore: Forgot to tell you I used your method and it worked very well and easily. FAOL to the rescue again.