It has been said …and I agree …that if you want to practice casting …you are more likely to do it if you have a rod rigged and ready to go.
Well, how do you store that rod?
It has been said …and I agree …that if you want to practice casting …you are more likely to do it if you have a rod rigged and ready to go.
Well, how do you store that rod?
When I put my rods away, I usually put my rods as far away as I can. When the casting urge hits me, (often during the winter) I choose which rod to use and put it together then. I never know which rod I’m going to want to use for practice, so I start from scratch every time.
That may change though.
In our garage, two pair of neo’s hang beside each other, boots up. I keep a 9ft, 6wt strung laying across the indent between the heel and where the sole swells. Makes a fine rod rack.
The little I know about casting is EASY to remember. NO practice required.
PS: BUT, I do catch my share regardless.
This is just impractical for me, so I keep an unstrung rod in the back of my truck. This allows me to practice almost daily in the park on the way home from work.
I have a practice rod and line rigged and ready to go in one of Dan Blanton’s Rigged and Ready rod bags hanging on a coat hook in my fly tying room. I usually have four or five rods rigged and ready for different types of fishing in the the same bags hanging on the coat rack.
PRACTICE! We dont need no stinking PRACTICE!!
i dont keep a rod rigged for practice. i just rig up at the pond/lake/stream/river and just go fishing!
I have a rod strung up, hanging from the back porch ceiling.
It’s balanced from a single cup hook.
It’s a $13 W*lmart rod with an old cracked line.
I don’t use it so much for practice… it’s really just a toy to play with the cats.
I leave 3-4 rods strung up horizontally on hooks on a garage wall. I purposely include rods for different purposes and weights so I am forced quickly to adjust to each. I vary the selection but they range from a 8’ 4wt TMF to a 9’ 11wt Tarpon rod.
The rod cases that you can leave the rod and reel rigged up are handy for this - I have one in the car now, as there is no grass within walking distance here in our dry southwest.
Here’s how I store mine…
This is in an open rafter garage but in Oregon I have a neater but similar set-up on a wall board finished ceiling using the bike hooks.
Usually keep about three rods rigged.
Incidentally this also how I store all my rods and the ones I’m currently fishing stay rigged …or get rerigged and go full length into the van when I head out.
Also use the rod cases herefishy mentioned depending on the situation.