still tacky

:?: Ok, I know it’s probably been asked/ answered before but…
The second coat of my two part rod finish won’t set up. What do i do now ??? I did the 4 piece rod in 2 separate sittings and the 1st 1/2 came out fine so it was obviously a poor mix job on my part. Help ? Rich

2 options…
1st and not the most recommended but could be used if the second option gives you too much buildup…using denatured alcohol remove the mix that will not set up…

2nd option - mix another batch and makse sure that you get it mixed in exactly equal parts, and apply it over the top of the mix that will not set up…

anther thing that I have done in the past is to expose the finish to a little extra heat, not a lot as it will degrade the epoxy, I use a couple of gooseneck lights on my workbench and that does the trick for accelerating the set up, or helping a lazy mix to set up…

don’t you hate it when that happens?!!!

:? Thanks dleo i’ll try the heat 1st and see. If no good i can put another coat on. I was afraid that because of the tackiness of the other coat it might just make things worse. :oops: YES I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS. OK i’m over it. Rich

Heat didn’t do it but the new coat came out great. Thanks again dleo. :smiley: