
Found a site selling flies and started searching through to find some new bass patterns. Found what they called a Starlight fly and have been making up a few with some slight mods.

Made with #4 hooks - but am in the process of finding some better hooks. These are cheap hooks and i am not 100% satisified with the quality and gap.

Also made some with big 1/20oz. eyes that i can cast using regular UL spinning gear…

Finaly one of the bigger styles taken outside just after i gave it a test drive. They have a very good profile and swim action…

I really like those! They should be good bass producers! Is the body and head chenille?

Thanks for sharing those…

I like them. Some with and some without Flashabo. Let us know how they do.

Very nice, puts me in the mood to go on the hunt, :slight_smile:

WarrenP - Yes it is chenille over the eyes… ultra works much better wrapping around bead chain but medium is ok for the larger lead eyes. Most also have an alternate color chenille body behind the eyes.

Thanks for the comments - so far this open water season, these have been the only thing to get a bite and 1 dink fish. Can’t wait for warmer weather/water. :slight_smile: Russ


Thanks for the info on the fly. I will be tying some up for my own use if the local fly shop will quit calling and requesting flies tied for them. They just sent another e-mail for 6 dozen, so, I will be up late again tonight! : )

Thanks for sharing…

I LIKE these! The top picture and top fly in the 2nd picture have the bunny strip skin-side-up, then the others in the 2nd picture have the bunny strip skin-side down. I like the look of the skin-side-down better. :slight_smile:

NICE!! I will have to tie some up for Mind Lands! hook size please?

FishnDave - I use bunny strips ALOT and put the hide both up and down, try to hide the hide ( :smiley: ) sometimes also with trimmed bunny hair or buck tail. Any way you do it… i love zonks and the fish seem to also!

Flygal - All are #4 of some type… 2 different styles of nymph, baitholder or plain shank - i work with what ever is easiest to get hold of for me. I found some Owner #2 offset (intended for plastics) worm hooks localy that i want to try out as well. Got an idea from a post on another forum to use sickle jig hooks and bend the shank slightly - that sickle would help with my gap problem!