Spring Foreward

For those of us who live in Daylight Savings States. Tonight is when we spring ahead an hour. Don’t be late for church, or worse, for your fishing date. Jim:oops:

AAAAHHHHHHHH. I really really really dislike this night, and the week to follow. Lets petition to end Daylight savings time and just stay on standard time! Write your congress people!

No Problem, just move to AZ !!! :slight_smile: No more Daylight Savings Time.

I say we write to Congress to end Standard Time, we only have a few months of it as it is now.

I LOVE the longer days and don’t see the sense in more darkness during the cold months.

I too love the ‘longer’ days. Let’s just stick to DST year round.

Are we on Standard time now??? It’s so confusing even after all these years. I guess that why all the Sun Birds from here go to AZ, must just be for not having to change the clocks. Well, you can thank the Earth shifting for the longer days not the change in a man made number. But, REALLY REALLY enjoy the longer, warmer days to come! :slight_smile:

If your cell phone did not change to DST automatically just turn it off and right back on… that should cause it to update