i just made a impulse buy on a pfluger president reel. it is the 2090 model. could somebody tell me if it is big enough for a rio windcutter 7,8,9 spey line. the box says it will hold 200 yards of 20 pound backing. thanks for all the help. matt
Not sure about the capacity of your reel. Just remember that spey lines are 120 feet long, not 90 feet like single hand lines. To hold my 9/10 spey lines I use a reel rated for 12 weight lines. That gives me room for the line and a lot of backing.
Just looked up your reel, it will hold a 90 foot ten weight line and 200 yards of backing. You might be okay. If it’s a tight fit you can always cut off some of your running line from the back end of your line in favor of more backing, which takes up less room. That won’t affect the way your line casts.
Or use Gellspun, this is much stronger at a smaller diameter.
Really worth considering.
Cheers, Hans