Spam Saves The Day!

I feel that, I personally, should take some credit for the sales increase due to our past attitudes toward the product. I should also look for an increase in the sales of 'Dinty-Moore Beef Stew for the same reasons. :slight_smile:

Hey JC,
Dinty Moore Beef Stew was what kept me from starvation when my meal ticket ran out at UW, Laramie. To stretch it a bit we’d pour it over a few slices of bread. I still get a taste for it and ,thankfully, can now afford the BIG can.

PS: And as for SPAM, it’s good to see it considered a good food as opposed to a good joke.

SPAM saves the day… AGAIN!

I am afraid that I can lend small credence to an article that purports to be about the glorification of the wondrous Spam. Yet it doesn’t mention the Island State of Ohio. Such an omission is unconscionable. Therefore the whole article must be untrue.

Sorry Douggie I am of the opinion that your story is the other kind of Spam. :mrgreen:

PS. Lord help us if We Canadians have to rely on Spam. It is $3.95 a can up here. It used to be cheap like borsht when I was a kid. We lived on the stuff cause it was the cheapest meat you could get. However it has steadily climbed in price till it is way out of Mrs housewifes reach.
But we do have a similar product named Prem. Its a Canadian canned meat/floor sweepings kinda stuff. Far superior to the lowley Spam.

Gnu Bee Flyer,
Here ya go! On sale $2.95!!! Free Shipping on orders over $50.00!

Every Canadian knows as a fact that free shipping doesn’t apply to us.
So there. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gnu Bee Flyer,

Free shipping does apply to Canadians. If you order your fly tying materials and fly fishing supplies from the Frontier Anglers in Dillon, Montana, as long as the order is over $250 USD then the shipping is free.
Naturally, you do have to pay the duty fees.

So, make up a shopping list and when it hits the proper dollar figure, give them a call. They are really great people to deal with and excellent guides.

Larry :smiley: —sagefisher—

You know with all this talk about SPAM I actually had a taste for it the other day. My Mom used to feed it to us fried up with scrambled eggs and left over mashed potatoes flattened to look like pancakes for a cost cutting dinner. But alas, all we had on the shelf was SPAM Light. Boy was I disappointed; it didn’t taste the way I remembered. Is there really that much difference between Light and regular?

My question:
Should I dare go out and get a can of regular SPAM and join my fellow Island Nation bretheren in singing its praises? Or should I denounce my fellow bretheren and just remember easier gentler times?


No, “your question” should be, FiveDials"… “Just, how much, do I value my health”?

Way to go “Dial”, Your an Ohioan and you should know by now that “SPAM LITE” is toxic. Besides they’ve lowered the salt content in regular “SPAM”!! Yes the lite stuff has an off taste, we only buy the real thing. how ironic the TV has a show on it now and they are eating Spam in HI. anyway hope you don’t die from the lite stuff, an ice-cold beer should fix you up like new.:stuck_out_tongue:

Well I figure if SPAM had a half life, it should be out of my system by now, right? What harm would one more try have on me?


Half life - no life -good – bad who knows? but the real stuff is good, brings back a lot of memories! :rolleyes: you know they say if you want to know where to eat ask a Cop :razz:, well I now of some that survived on that stuff in Vietnam. Good guys though, even after eating all that spam and they don’t even glow an night!:stuck_out_tongue:

Quote; My question:
Should I dare go out and get a can of regular SPAM and join my fellow Island Nation bretheren in singing its praises? Or should I denounce my fellow bretheren and just remember easier gentler times?

Jim" End Quote.
Your on an “ISLAND” so you better go along with the other followers of SPAM, unless you want to be excommunicated.

I can’t BELIEVE that a fine, self respectin’ Irish boy like yourself would allow Spam to ever touch your lips! I can almost FEEL your dear, departed Uncle Bob rollin’ over at this very moment!..FOR SHAME!!! Why, in all our talks, Bob Dial & I NEVER uttered the most awful 4 letter word ever…“Spam”!! It’s confession time Jimmy!

Guy’s isn’t there an Irish Blessing to cover this and make it good???:wink:

I asked my red headed, pure bred, Irish bride, pertaining to “The Blessing” you asked about.
Her only reply was; “ANY ONE, that will digest SPAM, in any way, shape, or form… should be made to sit on “the dirt end” of his walking stick for a week until he comes to his senses!”
She also had a "blessing"for you,for eating SPAM, however this IS a family oriented site so I cannot post it here.

Quote;…Barbecued Spam Sandwiches

1 (12 ounce) can of Spam
1 1/2 cups barbeque sauce
1 cup prepared coleslaw
1 loaf French bread, cut into 4 pieces, split and toasted

Slice the lunch meat into thin slices. Combine the sliced lunch meat and barbeque sauce in a large skillet over medium heat. Cook until heated through. Spoon meat and sauce onto the bottom halves of the toasted bread…
Bon Apetiti!!!

According to my wife I deserve to be WHACKED aside my Melon for getting you involved with the likes of us men on this site! My reply “OUCH!” :confused: I now know how Paul and Joe feel. I guess it’s the 1/2 Irish in her. Also I’d like to thank you for the Blessing, I’m sure it’s ages old and was produced in a little Pub and contains some Jameson some how!
God Bless you and Paul