Southern Patagonia trip - March '09. Suggestions?

Time for the annual bankbuster since we’re already in debt up to our eyeballs (thanks to my wife’s med school education and the fact that residency is more or less slave labor). This time we’ll be heading to the southern reaches of Patagonia - starting our tour in El Calafate since it deposits us close to the sights we want to see: glaciers, mountains, spires and whatever the Andean terrain has to offer.

Can anyone here recommend a place (or three) in that general vicinity where a guy could flick a fly? Lakes, rivers, streams…trout are my preferred quarry. Trout-dawg is already in the process of being mauled by my many questions (a big thanks man!). I have found a few decent online resources but would like some advice from the good folks here if at all possible.

Thanks y’all!


Just don’t do anything goofy down there that jeopardizes your presence at the Pa Fish In!!!

Hey Dave, would not returning be on that list? If it’s really nice, maybe we’ll stay for a while (but I’ll be up for the Fish-In!!!).

Besides, I thought you and Phil were going to head down here for a weekend sometime…heh heh heh. I’d be an awful host if I was in another hemisphere!

Marty, I can recommend that you take us with! lol.

You would…!!!

Get in touch with Marcelo Calviello here…


I have not fished the Argentina side of the Andes – but have spent some time in Chile. Would recommend Rumbo Patagon if Chile should peak your interest.

Hey Marty, if you have a look at this link the guy has just done a trip to Southern Patagonia, hope it helps.

Thanks guys. We might actually spend two weeks there instead, which gives us more options (maybe a week in southern Patagonia and then the remainder in Chubut/middle and northern Patagonia).

Incidentally we had planned on heading over to Chile for a day or two, so yes, I’m interested in hearing whatever suggestions anyone has!

Mike, thanks for the link. I’ve emailed the guy and am anxiously awaiting a response.

Phil, as we talked about there is a 20kg limit for the LAN Argentina domestic flights. If you can trim down, I’ll get you in the checked luggage!!! HA


Sent you an IM


In another thread by Mike Ormsby entitled “Catch Magazine” if you go to the link for the Magazine and open up Issue #2, there is an article on Southern Chile on page 80 of that issue including a slide show.


Thanks Dave. I hadn’t seen that, and the slideshow is pretty dang good.

We’re now looking at a loose itinerary involving: Tierra del Fuego, El Calafate, Puerto Natales (Chile), El Chalten, Esquel, Bariloche, perhaps Neuquen and maybe a day or two on the coast before heading back to Buenos Aires.

We did end up doing the full 2 weeks (7-21 March).

Most likely we’ll have to cut out one or two locations so we’re not constantly on the move like we did in NZ, which made for a killer excursion but a very tiring vacation.

We’ve managed to stay below budget thus far due to the excellent exchange rate, but traveling from one town to another is going to take a LOT of time. We’re planning mostly overnight bus trips - their bus lines offer what amount to beds (big reclining seats) that will save us travel time during the day and lodging $$$.

So it’s coming along…


There’s a guy in our fly club who was a guide there for two years and has written a book on fly fishing Patagonia. I can send you his email address if you’d like? PM me if you want the address!