South Platte-Dream Stream

Fished the Dream Stream on Friday Feb 6th. Wind was blowing extremely hard. Flows were up over 100 CFS. Fished both up and down from the middle parking lot. Unfortunately got skunked and did not see a fish. Hopefully someone else had better luck. Was using small stuff with no luck.

comdm -

Greetings and welcome from SE Idaho.

You have a first, at least since I’ve been on this BB - someone admitting in his very first post he that he got skunked ??!!

Better luck next time. Til then, hope you enjoy the company around here.


to FAOL. Thanks for the report. Other then wind, what were the other conditions? To bad you got skunked, better luck next time.

Welcome aboard comdm, you’ve found the best,
friendliest flyfishing site of it’s kind. Skunked eh?
Well I don’t know anyone that hasn’t been !
Better luck next trip.



Welcome aboard comdm, I was skunked once, twiced, ok maybe a bunch of times but who’s counting…:slight_smile: lol


Welcome to the site.
Please be aware that you are now reading a post from a record holder on several bodies of water (some of them reportedly very productive ) for most time spent for least fish caught.
Keep chugging.
Dont give up easily.

“Show me a good loser, Ill show you a guy that loses a lot”. author unknown

Welcome to FAOL. New guys make the coffee and chop the wood. Seriously, you have found the best FF site on the WWW. You’ll catch fish next time. Jim