South Holston is excellent

The South Holston Tailwater in East Tennessee, near Bristol is fishing excellent. The recent flooding rains gave the TVA reason to release water and the fishing has been great this week. We are supposed to get more heavy rains this weekend so that will mean more releases.

The BWO’s are coming off along with grey midges. We are doing well on nymph patterns early in the day then is is streamers the rest of the day.

Man, I’ve always wanted to fish down there. I tried to get some guys together last year, but the trip fell through. Maybe this year.

The SOHO has been fishing very well of late. I typically wade when I fish the SOHO. The release schedules over the Winter have been very conducive to wade fishing. I was able to catch fish on dries, emergers, midges, and nymphs the last three times I fished it. Looking forward to going again.

A sample from a recent float.