South Fork of the Crooked River, Oregon

Well not a report, just looking for one. Got to reading an interesting report on Crooked River OR and did some research. Noticed there’s a South Fork Crooked and i’m wondering if anyone knows anything about that part of the drainage.



Well I haven’t been out there for a while but it is a small stream but there can be some fish found in there just bring the 000 or 00 rod.

Here is a link to the Deschutes drainage, it has most of the gauges for the system. It helps to give an idea for where to go based on consistency of flows and some averages!

Thanks luckie, i’ll have to check that out then. What sort of fish will i find there? Thanks for the linkage too…that’s valuable.



Some small bows and maybe some whities.

access is limited - mostly ranches and a little bit of BLM land to seek out. Might be fun in the Spring before the water disappears.

We’ll be in Albany, OR midmonth for the Expo. Any fishing nearby?


Thanks luckie, thanks rockthief…might not be worth the drive since there isn’t much accesss and that fork dries up.

Ron, hopefullly someone from around the show will check in and point out some local fishing. I had the idea that i wanted to combine the show with some fishing afterwards.



REE, the Alsea is close, the Santiam as well. There are cutthroat in the Willamette if you can find a place where they might be. If I can find my Fishing In Oregon book I’ll have a look therein. I’d say stop in and see Mitch at Two Rivers fly shop but likely he will be at the Exposition.

Albany is also close to the great McKenzie, but ya you that the North and South Forks of the the Santiam, The Alsea is a bit more of a drive but so are a lot of the Costal rivers. You have the Seletz, Trask, and a few others to the West. Then you have some of the upper Willamette stretches unpolluted by floating dipers. You’ll be right on I-5 so you could boogy woogy to the N. Umpqua. Also Central Oregon isn’t much of a drive from there either, just check the regs to see if it’s open or not. Alot of stuff won’t open for another month or so here in the CO. Best of luck and where and when is this expo


it is awesome

Yup, the expo is definately worth the trip, always a good time. VEE and I are tying there both days, so if your at the show stop by and say hello. Thanks for the tips on the fishing.