sooooo what do you want for Christmas?

In the off chance that Santa reads FAOL, what do you want for Christmas?

First, I am wishing for “Christmas 2, the sequel”. This is a wonderful story where the hero returns and saves the world from all sorts of evil. This, like the original is a true story.

Also, I wouldn’t be too dissapointed with an 8wt Z-Axis with a Lamson Litespeed and RIO Nymph line.

Merry Christmas to all… :smiley:

I’ve asked for some wooden gizmo’s to hold thread, flash and bobbins before the E.P.A. gets a glimpse of my tying room.

Bah Humbug

I just want it to be over…gimme my pair of gloves and the 6 pk of socks…

You beat your brains out trying to please everybody and end up pleasing no one.

My wife and I have a Christmas tradition of boiled shrimp on XMas eve - just the two of us. She is my companion and confidant. Thats what I’m looking forward to … thats all I want.

keeping my list very simple, some hooks which I almost out of and a few more tying items. The only other thing I need is a net, cause I have bad images of trying to land 3 - 4 pound cutts in my float tube without one :lol:

Actually I will settle for having my brother and his family in MT this Christmas. 11 days and counting until he gets out here. Thats a good enough present for me :slight_smile:

New vise and myeslf and the missus spending the holidays together. She’s a teacher in a small community on the South Coast of Newfoundland (only accessible by coastal boat) so any time we get to spend together worrying about nothing but ourselves and our family is an absolute God-Send!!

I didn’t ask for much fly fishing stuff, because I’m the only one silly enough to spend as much money as I want to spend on things to catch fish :roll:

Peace, happiness and getting together with family.
I don’t want a Deep Fat Fryer!
Doug :smiley:

“I really do want world peace” :stuck_out_tongue: where’d I hear that :?:

Peace in the Middle East and our troops back home. Other than that I’d settle for a Batson 7’6" 5 weight 4 piece blank and a Struble swollen butt sliding band reel seat.

Dear Santa (and my beautiful bride Dianne!),

I’ve been as good as I can.
Please send the following Benecchi threads:
1-Light Dun
1-Dark Dun


My Christmas gift came early. After eight years of not hearing from my daughter, the lines of comunication are finally open. I am blessed.


Absolutely priceless… :!: :!: :!:

Way to go Z. That’s great news. I’m really happy for you. You are truly blessed.

Steve…there is a God…bless you

Z That is the best news.
In fact that is what Christmas should be all about. :smiley: Good for you and your daughter.

I got my son back after 11 years of not talking to each other . It took lots of adjusting but we are now best friends and even better along with his son the three of us are fishing buddies. :lol:

Dear Santa, although I have not always been a good boy I still want stuff. You must have lost my list last year, I finally let it go but don’t let it happen again. I have some really good reindeer rump roast recipes and if I’m passed by one more time I will be filling my game tags with 8 tiny reindeer. You can pull the darned sleigh yourself for all I care.
To refresh your memory …
I want the 6wt winston that I cast at the fish-in.
If you don’t have one in stock, You can steal it from Dana as you pass his house on the way to mine.

For Jerry my gift to you is , forget boiling the shrimp.

Smother them in butter, saute with 1/2 a fresh garlic minced fine. Sprinkle on a little tarragon, When they turn pink and opaque they are done. do not over cook. Serve hot with toothpicks. They taste so good that way you will forget about the BS and hype associated with Christmas and have a good time in your new socks.

Oh! yea! I almost forgot , world peace too.

Ps. Santa Sorry to bother you again but please don’t bring Doug a deepfryer. He don’t want one. I wanted one last year, It was on my list, did I get one NO! NO! your darned right I didn’t get one all because you lost the darned list. So if you had planned to get Doug one this year you can give it to me instead. It would at least get you off my naughty list.

Is this anything like messing with Mother Nature :stuck_out_tongue:

“Dear Santa, although I have not always been a good boy I still want stuff. You must have lost my list last year, I finally let it go but don’t let it happen again. I have some really good reindeer rump roast recipes and if I’m passed by one more time I will be filling my game tags with 8 tiny reindeer. You can pull the darned sleigh yourself for all I care.”

:lol: :lol:

Z…glad to hear that. Its moments like these that matter the most.

That is wonderful news! I’m glad the burden is lifted off you.
Send ALL Deep FAT Fryers to Gnu Bee Flyer in care of Santa.
Doug P.S. Be sure not to use any Trans Fat! :lol: :shock: :smiley: :twisted: :wink: :roll:


I’m so tickled to hear the news. Fantastic! Best
wishes for a wonderful Christmas and much time with
the daughter.G Warm regards, Jim

I’ve been raised to accept and like socks for Christmas. So…I’d like a pair of socks please.

Merry Christmas Zeke !

Cheers too !
