Sometimes you gotta smack the mule with a 2x4...

It’s been four years ago now, that I was informed that had a malignant tumor residing I my upper colon. That was profoundly life altering ten second sentence that my doctor uttered, one I wish on no living thing.

In truth it’s been a very terrifying road to travel. One that I could have quite possibly avoided had I had a colonoscopy earlier in my life. No time , work, distractions ,denial, all kinds of crap jumped in the way for me to avoid the procedure. It was easy to put it off. I mean who the hell wants “That” to be done to them.
Finally doing the dirty deed turns out to have saved my life. put it in a tailspin for a bit, but I’m on this side of the dirt and grateful every waking second for the second chance. I had the procedure done last week the results came back clear. so far so good. Don’t be stupid or vain.get it done. like now!.. if not sooner

Thanks for reminding me, I really should get that done soon. :shock:
I’m glad you’re okay.

AAGH!! :frowning: :frowning: :shock:
My wife is threatening me with one for my birthday.
Don’t want to do it but i’ve watched to many members of my family die from cancer not to do it. :shock:
It may be uncomfortable but it will save your life. :lol: :o :slight_smile:

One of our neighbors had is first colonoscopy at age 50, a month of so ago. They found some serious tumors. He’s had surgury, and they’re doing all the appropriate treatment, but the outlook isn’t very optomistic. We’re praying for him.

They’re a piece o’ cake!! Prep part, where you gotta drink a half gallon of “stuff”, isn’t too kewl, but now at least, it can be gatoraide. But the rest? nuthin to it!! Got good drugs, and you sleep for the day. DO IT NOW!!!

I’ve had 5 so far.
First one probably saved my life.

Got to schedule another one now.

This is an EASY proceedure. I don’t understand why so many people are afraid ( or embarrased ).

( personally, I have to fast for 3 days with all the liquid prep as well but that’s just me ).
Good for losing about 10 lbs.

Hi All…

As Betty said, the “prep” is the worst part but the procedure itself is easy. I had one last year and I’m glad I did. I was 100% ok, great news after cancer surgery and treatment three years ago. I did see a story on the news about a week ago that talked about a new, complimentary procedure. It is a three dimensional CT scan that is “as good” at finding problems as a colonoscopy, but “non-invasive” … Ask your doctor. It might be available in your area.

Bones, thanks for the post. Best regards.

When I was married for 32 yrs, it was EASY to defer to the Mrs., like depend on her to YELL at me to get my butt into the Doc!! NOW, it it’s a different ball game. Your post hit me like a 2x4. I recently made some changes with my diet that have proven to help me be healthy. It’s about having GOOD HABITS and reducing the Bad ones. Thanks for your post!

[quote=“Joel D. Popham”]Hi All…

I did see a story on the news about a week ago that talked about a new, complimentary procedure. It is a three dimensional CT scan that is “as good” at finding problems as a colonoscopy, but “non-invasive” … quote]



Thanks for the reminder and glad to have you on this side of the dirt as well. Hope to see you at the Fly Fishing Show this year.


I appreciate open discussion. What is the disagreement? Is it that I referenced a Good Morning America story, that the medical people who have tested the procedure found it to be “as good” as colonoscopy, that it is non-invasive? What? If you want to see the story, go to ABC News’ web page, Good Morning America section, search for “colonoscopy” and select “New Colonoscopy Technique” story from October 4th. Regards…

I think what ducksterman maybe referring to is the fact if something is found via the virtual colonoscopy they have to go back with the “real” one to grab it…gets spendy not to mention the waiting time which, to be mild, is a drag

If a cancer is found, either with a traditional or a virtual colonoscopy, waiting time will occur and a surgery will follow. The GMA story stated that the virtual procedure was as accurate and less expensive than the traditional procedure. Cancer is a disastrous disease. A very large part of it is the"waiting" and uncertainty. Although I had no trouble with the traditional procedure, I’d have preferred a CT scan…Regards…

Joel…not a shot at you…but at the “virtual colonoscopy”…

My reading indicates that the CT is not as accurate…I believe the figure was that it missed 10%…makes sense when you consider that they are looking for what can be very small polyps…

also as mentioned when something is seen then you need the “regular” colonoscopy anyway…

Remember mostly it is the polyps they are looking for before they can become cancerous.

The regular colonoscopy is considered the “gold standard” and one needs to be careful who is sourcing the info…the imaging folks or someone who shouldn’t be biased…


I think one must have tissue in order to make the pathological diagnosis of cancer. While a CT may “see” abnormalities you still have to have the physical samples to analyze.


Good points, great discussion. Thanks.