Sometimes it just doesn't come together.

Finally finished my Rainshadow RX8+, 8wt. Very nice casting rod, somewhat like a Sage XP, but cosmetically, it didn’t turn out quite like I wanted. I used Batson gunsmoke guides and reel seat with a blue woven graphite insert. It was wrapped in royal blue with silver accents.

I have never used color preserver and didn’t plan on it this time, but, at my wifes urging, I did. It didn’t turn our as well as I would have liked.

The color preserver was hard to work with and didn’t dry smoothly. On top of that, I couldn’t get the epoxy to level correctly. Not to bad, but not quite up to par.

All of the different components look good, but they just don’t seem to fit together. I really like the gunsmoke finish on the guides and reel seat, but the blues in the wraps, the guide inserts and the reel insert, just don’t match up.

But all is not lost. It casts great and I’m sure the fish are not as particular as I am.


The fact that you made a rod that nice and it is nice!

Impresses me all to get out, I am too timid to try it on my own until I retire fully and can devote the time needed to it , so that it comes out as nice as yours.

I know what you mean about using color preserver. It almost always requires thinning and two coats to come out nicely. Personally, I don’t care for the look, but prefer the translucent look, especially in the sun light. I used almost the same color combination on the second rod I built, and ended up raffling it off on another board as a Youth FF Fundraiser. It cast just fine, but was not pleasing to MY eye. Oh, well, now you have a reason to build another one (like we really need a reason…). :lol:

The woven reel seats can be challenging to match. I prefer wood or acrylic inserts that contrast or compliment the overall rod. Just my opinion.

Good Job!


I have built about 40 rods or so and have had mixed results with color preserver. Sometimes it comes out fine and other times it seems to affect the epoxy coat. I have used it both full and diluted 50/50 with water. I tend not to use it unless someone wants it.

Dr Bob

when I use color presertative, I put it on with a brush. then wipe it off with a lint free tissue or rag; I dont let it dry; I wipe it off wet; that evens it out and eliminates the different thickness of it; if I want it a little thicker on the wraps, i put a sceond coat on immediately after wiping the first coat off, then wipe the second coat off immediately. I may be a little crazy but it works for me; I dont use it unless i have to however-p-


Interesting technique. I just brushed it on and let it dry and put on two coats as the instructions said. It didn’t actually dry lumpy or anything, but it seemed to accentuate the texture of the wraps. This became a probem when I applied the epoxy. Maybe your technique of wiping them off would smooth out the finish. In any event, now I’ve tried color preserver and will probably never use it again.

Question for you. If you use the color preserver, and after the epoxy, you don’t like what it’s done to the color (too intense, doesn’t blend with the rod color as well as expected, etc) can you add a color base/tint to epoxy and apply a second coat to darken the wrap colors?

I wouldn’t; I would cut it all off and start over; to avoid that I usually tie a thread wrap or two on an old piece of rod, epox one, and do the color preservative and then epox the other; I do that if I’m using a new thread or color-p-


Sometimes you just have to leave bad experiences like this behind and move on. I provide a special service to rod builders in need and will gladly pay the shipping to remove this nightmare and constant reminder of you failed attempt at happiness.

The first step is admitting that you have a problem.

Your Nuts! It’s a beutiful rod!


Rod looks awesome…Don’t see any of the things you discribed…Guess I’ll continue to NOT use CP as I’ve never even purchased the stuff and have built 60 or so rods over the years…again, Beautiful rod!

Dunfly, that is one heck of a nice rod! Maybe you aren’t too pleased with the color of the wraps, but the quality looks super and the accents are nicely done. Someone with a preference for blue would love it! I have a Forecast with CP on blue thread and I think it looks great. One thing about CP is that since the threads don’t go translucent, you see any gaps you left.


Hey, guys–photographs didn’t come through but the photograph frames did. Do I have some settings wrong? If so, what?

Yeah, I see what you mean. Looks just terrible doesn’t it! 8)

Kidding, of course. At least from the pics. it looks very nice!! Glad she casts well.

This being hard on oneself…it’s tough to break isn’t it. I think it comes with cane-territory.

Nice job! Very nice.
