Something wierd......................

I really enjoyed our Lady’s article this week, and the insight into one of her “other” interests. It got me to thinking that we all have things other than fishing that occupy our time and interest. Especially in the winter time. What do you do to satisfy your creative side? I’ll start with one of my favorite hobbies. Jump in!!

These are tie-tacs/hat pins, that I carve from elk and deer antler, and paint with my wife’s toll paints. Now, if I could only do this without smelling up the basement with the smell of burning antler.:confused:

How very neat is that! Nicely done. Thanks so much for sharing it.
Come on folks, what else is lurking out there (we can’t let Joe and the bread makers have all the fun).

That is awesome!

As you all know so well I love photography. Well Mrs. Claus gave me the okel-dokel to get a new Sigma 70mm-300mm zoom lens with Super Macro just before Christmas. I thought this is great because I can use this lens with my other winter time hobby of star gazing. The winter night sky really is the best sky for observing and photgraphing the Heavens. Well, I have been grounded by a very stubborn infection and now I cannot get outdoors.:frowning: So I guess that for now, until I heal, I will just hang out on the board and try to behave myself.:slight_smile:

Well, my winter time hobby is getting all my bamboo rods out on the bed,
mixing all the sections up, and seeing if I can get them all assembled correctly,
while being blindfolded.

What fun!!

My wife thinks I’m a little strange. Can any one tell me why she would think that! :shock:


Those pins are awesome! I’m not going to bore you folks with more of my food pics, but I am looking forward to seeing what other hidden talents are within our ranks that are not necessarily related to fly fishing. Furniture builders…artists…writers…stained glass…ceramics…quilters…crafters…I know there are a bunch of amazing people out there.

I did bake a loaf of Ginger White Bread in my bread machine the other night. Joe, I really owe you many thanks for inspiring me to control my diabetes by baking my own diabetic bread. You helped get me eating healthier. Thanks buddy.:smiley:

White Ginger Bread:



* 3/4 cup water (70 to 80 degrees F)
* 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
* 2 tablespoons honey
* 1 teaspoon salt (can be left out for low sodium diets)
* 2 1/2 cups bread flour
* 2 tablespoons nonfat dry milk powder
* 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger (I prefer a full teaspoon)
* 1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast


  1. In bread machine pan, place all ingredients in order suggested by manufacturer. Select basic bread setting. Choose crust color and loaf size if available. Bake according to bread machine directions (check dough after 5 minutes of mixing; add 1 to 2 tablespoons water or flour if needed).

I build 1/35 scale WWII armor and 1/48 scale WWII aircraft. The whitewashed one is a Panzer II C, Russian front, 1941. The grey one is a Wespe (Wasp) tank destroyer, Western front, winter 1943 (click the thumbnails to enlarge…I didn’t know the photo option here worked like that…cool!!!)
These aren’t scratch-built…they’re plastic kits.


I play guitar and build flintlock rifles from the pre-revolutionary war period. I also have a 1976 Corvette that I play around with some too.

Here are a couple of my guitars and the most recent rifle I built.


Wow; you guys are impressive. :slight_smile:

That flintlock is a dandy rifle! So far I have only been able to hunt one day of our Flintlock Rifle Season due to my illness. I am hoping to get out tomorrow and two or three days next week but have to take it day to day.

Flintlocks and fly fishing. Blast and Cast!:smiley:

Yep, they are paper! For those not familiar with cardstock models, You print it out on a peice of heavy paper, fold it, glue it, tweak it, show it.

I build models, also. Racing cars and tanks, mostly. No room for rockets or planes anymore. When I moved, I had a bunch that I donated to the local children’s museum for display.

I do more crocheting than knitting.
But I will probably knit a few sweaters to go overseas to kids this winter.


Remember the movie The Money Pit ?

I work on my house
A 1780s center chimney Georgian style farm house
It was 14 rooms but now it’s down to 12
Oak beams, chestnut planked walls, spruce flooring
5 fire boxes two of which are ‘walk-in’, two ‘beehive’ ovens, a meat closet and root cellar
Original stenciling
Family cemetery out back

It was in 'falling down" condition when we bought it
Now we just refer to it as ‘camping out…indoors’

Over a year ago I purchased a DSLR (Nikon D40x) and started taking lots of snapshots. I am learning photography on my own with the help of many books. I recently purchased a copy of Adobe Lightroom 2.1 to use for editing and I am thinking of a new camera (Nikon D300). We will see what the boss says about the camera purchase. Hopefully, with time, I can learn enough to turn snapshots into photographs.

Eric, can I borrow your lens? Promise to have it back tomorrow.

That’s a paper Fokker Dr.1? Looks good!! Isn’t that the plane of Manfred’s baby brother, Lothar Von Richtofen? I know Manfred flew a red one. Where can I get something like that? BTW…need any armor models? I have an attic full.

I play a lot of Ping Pong and my time away from the river is spent in Idaho/Wyoming back-country looking for fresh powder and steep runs.

Actually It belonged to Erich Lowenhardt, Lothar’s was mostly yellow but had some O.D.Green around the cockpit, and sky blue underwings. You get an “A” in obscure aviation history for today:D. If you are interested,leave me a pm with email and I’ll send you both Manfried and Lothar’s DR-1’s to try out. They are a little too big to link, and there are those pesky copyright issues to deal with.

Just let me know, ja?
Ich Bein Ien Flyfisher

Ausable…got your PM, the Jasta is flying on New York!
Hope you enjoy!
Happy New Year!

Great stuff folks. Thanks for your comments. However, I know the reality of my abilty as an antler carver, and it’s that of a beginner. My photo’s are in the same category. I’ve never gotten really good at much of anything in my life, except maybe singing, and that’s OK. I haven’t been compelled to expend the effort. That said, I’d also like to say that it’s OK if your interests and hobbies fit that category as well. We’d still like to see them, or hear about them. It makes you more real. I know that breadmaking can be an art, as can just about anything else that’s pursued beyond the “normal” effort. I’ve gotten hooked on western novels, and I’ve been reading about 2-3 a week. I know I should be reading something more enlightening, but it’s just something I enjoy. What do you enjoy? It doesn’t have to knock our socks off.:smiley: