Somebody's Going to Emergency,

Somebody’s Going to Jail.

In anticipation of a saltwater trip later this year my wife, who is a fairly accomplished fly fisher of around a quarter century decided to get in some practice with a few of our larger outfits this past Friday. Her comfort range pretty much peaks with the eight weights.

As the afternoon wore on she’d practiced with several outfits of varying weights. At some point we find her over on the lakeshore trying to manhandle one of my wreck rods, a fairly heavy and stout ten weight and a Hi-D head. When along comes this very well kept gal about fifty, who shoots my wife a look and says, " Don’t worry, it took me a long time to learn to fly cast too. "

Not since Linda Blair have I seen a humans head rotate like that.
I laughed so hard I nearly launched a tonsil.

Why is it, that when you’re doing everything right, there are no critics around…

Best, Dave


Dave, my wife used to ‘warm up’ with a ten weight each spring, in our backyard. :slight_smile:
Congrats to your wife. Tell her ‘Castwell’ is proud of her… :slight_smile:

“Not since Linda Blair have I seen a humans head rotate like that.”
I laughed so hard I nearly launched a tonsil.

Why is it, that when you’re doing everything right, there are no critics around…

Now that should be put in a classic quote book somewhere, cause that’s funny…lol

Conrats to your wife for wanting to fly fish, I couldn’t cast a ten weight I don’t think, sounds like you have a wonderful partner…:slight_smile:

Yep - great line - got a little coffee in my nose. :smiley:

Tell he we’re all proud of her. :wink: