Some things to get off my mind...

First and most important to me is that I e-mailed one of our Sponsors yesterday with a question on a rod purchase and needed info on what rod they manufactured that they would recommend for my style of fishing. I gave them the length rod I enjoy using, what flies I used most and described every rod action I have used and described what I was looking for. I have been at fly fishing 12+ years and have finally found my comfort area. I needed some good honest advise. I e-mailed Diamondback with all of the above and this morning I received 2 replies from Michael Foreman at Diamondback and he was 100% honest with me and he gave me three of their rods that he felt would fit my style and he gave me his personal opinion on which one he would recommend out of the three. Now that is what a Sponsor is all about. I truely appreciated his reply and recommendations and will probably purchase the rod he recommended. If anyone gets where I am with their fly fishing and feel they know the feel in the rod they like, I would highly recommend that they go to the Sponsor page and click on Diamondback and e-mial them your questions and do not forget to thank them for being a Sponsor of FAOL.

I have also had some unexpected experiences with orders with some of our Sponsors that I was disappointed with, but, that is life and I got over it and still order from them. If I felt I needed to post that unpleasant experience, I would post it but I would leave the Sponsor’s name out of it. Let’s face it folks, you can order from all of them and somewhere you will be disappointed with one of your orders, but, that is life and life is not perfect. With losing local fly shops everyday we and FAOL need these Sponsors and we need to post as much positive comments about them that we can. That was the only thing I was trying to get across in the other thread. There is just too much negative things and comments going on in this world and I for one would love to see more positive things and comments and quit dwelling on all the negatives.

To the members who have PM’d me, “thank you” for your concern and comments. You will never know how much I appreciated it.

I love FAOL too much to leave it and would not know what to do with myself if it were not for FAOL to turn to everyday.

Now that is off my mind and hopefully came out right so that everyone will understand what I wanted to say and what is truely inside me and my intentions.

Sorry for the long post…Don’t forget how helpful Diamondback was and how much I appreciated their help…now I will go back to work and come back at times to lurk.

Thanks for your post! You are a thoughtful and nice person!

Excelent positive post.

