Some fish pics...

The cool part about swapping flies and patterns in general is catching fish on something new! Here’s a couple of recent fish caught on flies I’ve gotten from FAOL folks.

ldice tied up a Chili Demon here awhile back in a swap. I tied it on the other day and wound up catching a chunky little largemouth!

And ROR-EYE showed me how he ties his “Bread and Butter Minnow”, a Clouser Minnow variation. He likes it in yellow-over white with a pearl body… I went with a dirty water color combo and have whupped the white bass this past week. Oh, and this dude! 18" channel cat.

Thanks for the cool flies, fellas…

That is Cool Zac! Glad you like that fly.

Dude, that bottom one is one UGLY trout!

Quack…quack… S

Larry, honestly that was the first time I had tied it on! They look pretty nice in the water.

DG… :slight_smile: It looked a lot nicer when we got home and it hit the skillet the following evening! Perfect eating size.