Now in retirement I find myself much more flexible when I fish so if solunar tables have any validity why not go then? Let’s not talk about …the experience…and just being there…etc…which I do agree with…but leave that out…
Have any of you that believe in it kept records and found that your results agree with the predicted major and minor activity?
Now…what I think may the big question…Does the local weather condition put it all up for grabs??? For example …if a major time is predicted but the local temperature is 100* what happens???
When I fish salt water, I pay very close attention to the moon. You can predict the tides by the moon - or you can check the charts. But just being aware of where the moon is will tell you the tides. Also, the moon is important with respect to brown trout fishing at night. You want it to be pitch black so a waining cresent to no moon is good for a 10:00 to 2:00 a.m. trip. Since the solunar tables track tides pretty well, they can be of use predicting tides - but why not use the moon and you won’t need any charts. I don’t use them.
I have found trout feeding follows the food. If you track insect hatches, you will do better than bothering with solunar tables. Watch the birds. Cedar Waxwings diving and weaving over a stream are a better indicator than tables. Learn your entomology, read “Selective Trout” - I assume I am already preaching to the chior in your case - and throw the tables away. That’s my humble opiion and I usually have one.
My fishing partner has the solaunar tables as a feature on the watch he wears while out fishing
We often measure our success against the number of fishies that appear his watch face.
(Is there a polite way to say this?)
Horse hockey…
Bull cookies…
I don’t remember it ever working out…Not even once
Although I truly get squirrelly 2 days -/+ a full moon, I’ve never believed in the solunar tables.
Can local weather negate any table predictions? I really think that’s it!
The tables may be accurate in areas of the country with fairly stable weather patterns…not where I live.
I do not pay them any attention. I guess my main goal is to be able to find the time that I can go fishing whether the fish cooperate or not. Yes, I want to catch fish, but, if they do not cooperate, at least I am out in the river with Mother Nature and away from people. I think tournament fishermen pay close attention to them because, let’s face it, they are out to catch fish. If you fish a lake that has generators at the dam, the tables will not reflect the changes in fish location when the generators are running or not running. I know from years ago when I fished bass tournaments, I would pay close attention to what times during the tournament that they would be generating. When not generating the fish would be up in the bays and when they started generating, the fish would pull back to deeper water. I think that those that feel they are very successful by following the tables may be fishing with more confidence when the tables say fishing is suppose to be best. The moon does have an effect on fish and so does the barometer. When I fished tournaments I paid attention to the moom phase, barometer and generating cycles. Now that I have found peace of mind with fly fishing, I just go as often as work and family will permit and if the fish cooperate that is just a fringe benefit.
I think that it was touched on somplece else on this site. But here are my few pennies.
In the tidal salt (at least in Northeast) fish feed when the water is moving. The best period would be about from two ours after begining of incoming tide to about two hours befoe the end of outgoing tide with about 2 to 3 hours of slow period aroud high tide.
In the fresh water not affected by the tides Solunar tables are right on the money but… yes local weather extremes can and do affect fish activity:hot and sunny slow and deep, cool and wind is better and so on so forth.
Trout however are totaly different beast. They do not care for the phase of the moon or sun ar anything else.
Their feeding habbits are closely tied to the insect activity which means that they will be most active when there is a hatch be that mornig or evening. They are therefore severly affected by the local weather patterns. Sunny worm days can be extremely produtive. Going after trout I try either early morning or late afternoon. Got to try this night fishing yet too…
Freshly stocked trout is an exeption to this rule. These fish do not even know that trout eat bugs not horse pellets… There are no rules when it comes to catching them…
PS. I am not a scientist. Above is just my personal expirience on the local waters. I will not accept any responsibility for the results if you decide to fish on any of this information. USE AT YOUR OWN LOSS OF TIME. :lol:
OK, it seems to me so far you guys are saying anything that the moon [or sun] can influence physically can have an effect…on other waters where they really don’t have a physical effect…at least that we can measure…it is horse pucky… :shock:
When I read the other thread about this it seemed to me as was said maybe the “confidence” thing came into play…or maybe if you only fish when all things are in alignment …that’s when you catch fish…
and now we hear from Castwell.
(thanks Warren)
“I think that those that feel they are very successful by following the tables may be fishing with more confidence when the tables say fishing is suppose to be best.”
Yup. I agree all the way with this. I see no way this can not be true.
In another life I sold oceanside land in Florida and I depended HEAVILY on the Solunar Tables. Amazing how much larger an oceanside lot appears at low tide. Other than that, it’s hogwash as to inland fishing.
Most of the misconception comes from black and white thinking.
Most of the people think that solunar tables tell you when animals (not just fish) are actively feeding. Not true.
Last Sunday my wife and I landed bunch of fish in the middle between the good periods.
Use solunar tables as a statistical tool sort of. The tables only show when fish are most likely to be active feeding. It does not mean that you cannot catch fish at other times.
On top if you look closely you will see that the best times are when solar cycle overlaps lunar one. In other words if moon overhead or underfoot falls on dawn or dusk.
Than again the best use for solunar tabes some people have is to use them as a scape goat.
“I did not have time to go fishing during the good period so got skunked”. The truth is good angler will always find fish. Since I suck at catching I need every single piece of leverage I can get. Be that the computerized supersonic rocket fulel powered line and lure launcher (I’m working on that one - coming to the store near you soon :lol: ) or solunar tables.
Yeah, that’s a real good idea but the problem is a lot of people don’t work and in my experience they tend to be the most demanding.
Only in America… :?
The Solunar Tables must not work. I zealously followed Ed Zern’s instructions for “How to Pick up Chicks Using the Solunar Tables”, and I am still a bachelor…
Big Bad Wulff,
Got to the Doc and get a prescription that you only take on ‘those’ days. Have a Drawing for your customers each month and the winner gets to stand behind the counter, then they’ll see what you have to put up with!
I was doing well with this tread untill EdD came in!!
I’ll just have to cut back on my fishing I guess and only fish when I am in tune with the Universe or what ever!! Now what will I do in my spare time? Chase women?!