
I am down to about the last quarter of a jar of Softex. Needless to say, it’s no longer as, uh, viscous as it once was (yeah, that’s a big word for a Marine). Anyone have any advice on what I could use to cut it to get it back to a more fluid state? It’s still usable for dipping the heads of some of my salt water streamers, but it’s pretty thick to use to brush on to some of my smallmouth flies and my egg patterns.


I’m pretty sure I was told that Softex was the same as Plasti Dip and according to my files it’'s solvent is Naphtha [lighter fluid]…I suspect there are other solvents[always is] …perhaps others know.

I am looking at my jar right now. It says it contains Toluene, So that is where I would start. John

If that’s what is says…tolulene…that’s what I’d do.

Either one works; be careful with the fumes, both are nasty.


You are right they both do have some nasty fumes, be sure your work area is well ventilated. By the way I get my Toluene, at Home Depot. John

What do they do to you ,Scott?

Talked to the Mfg about thinning it and he said that they can’t recommend a thinner, but he can recommend clean up with toluene.

I think that was side ways speak for you can thin it with toluene, but it does change the chemical make up some so they can’t say it will be the same product in total. CYA type thing IMHO.


Uhhhh, I don’t remember; things are kinda fuzzy and out of focus. Kidding aside, I believe naptha in some forms, is a carcinogen and should probably be avoided; toluene can cause dizziness & nausea in high amounts. Bottom line, ventilate.


Thanks guys – I’ll try thinning it some, but it may just be time for a new jar.

Hi Vulture6,

As a guy who has only half a jar of very thick Softex left, I’d be interesting in knowing how the thinning works out. Please share your experience. Is it worth trying to thin it or should I just bite the bullet and buy another new jar? Much thanks in advance, 8T :slight_smile:

Hey guys take some of your new jar and put it with the old on and it will thin it safely. I do that all the time.

This also will give you two different levels of thickness to use. If you need the thin it’s there and if you need some that is a little thicker it’s also there.


Well, here are the results 8thumbs (and everyone else):

Small can of Toulene or small can of Naphtapha = $9
New jar of Softex = $8

I guess it will remain a mystery for now. I’m going to buy a new jar and follow Skip48’s advice.

The tolulene is a good solvent for goop. Goop + Tolulene is the equivalent of Fleximent.


Nine bucks for a SMALL can of toluene—say it’s not true. I don’t think that I’ll experiment either. 8T :slight_smile:

My can says $3.99 for a quart…

We use Toluene here, on the farm for all sorts of various things and the last GALLON I bought at the paint store, (100% Toluene), only cost me $12.49.
I take a needle and syringe, (from giving our dogs and livestock shots), and shoot a few cc’s of Toluene into my Softex jar and other “self thickening cements” to keep them the consistency I like using.
Besides, give it another week or two and “$12.49 a gallon” will be cheaper to use than regular gasoline, anyway!?!

Okay - I checked the Home Depot (first mistake) – I’ll go to Tractor Supply and see what they have.

Hey Paul what is that syringe made of? If it’s metal and glass like the old time ones I sure will ask the local vet about getting one of them. I have some good uses for that and seems I am always looking for something that will not melt using some things.


Try a jar of loon outdoors soft head. It dries slower and is a bit more expensive but it isn’t toxic. If ventilation is a problem.