I was fishing the Upper Owens a couple of months ago and fish were rising consistently to a midge hatch. What are some of your favorite patterns for matching and fishing a midge hatch? I had plenty of nymph patterns, but no dry and emerger patterns, so I didn’t do well dry fly fishing. Thanks
The only midge I fish any more is a CDC thread midge. Black thread body, xx fine silver rib, and a CDC wing. Never failed me so far if the fish are looking up. And I hate fishing midge pupae, so I don’t.
I’d use a size 18 Griffith’s Gnat as a dry and indicator. Trail a size 16 t.c.t.k. midge larva ( see Fly of the Week third quarter '07 ) or what I call a Christmas Midge pupa / emerger. Distance between dry and trailing fly determined by depth of water and current speed.
The Christmas Midge is tied on a size 18 scud hook. White CDC puff or antron out over eye of hook, trimmed close. Small bead for weight - I like the 2MM Bright Beads in black for this fly. Olive dun thread body with a fine red wire rib. Black thread with the red rib is my next choice.
A couple others I might try would be olive or rust colored brassies, again on a size 18 scud hook. I like them unweighted, but a beadhead might be better for your water.
All of these are tied on Dai-Riki 135 1X short hooks.
I like DG’s idea for a midge dry, but just don’t have much luck fishing midge dries on the waters I fish. The griffith gnat will get a fish now and then, but most of the action is on the trailing fly.
P.S. A lot of the time when the trout are “up” for dries, they will still favor a larva or pupa high in the water column.
Any time I’m in MO fishing, or even here in KS for that matter, I turn to a Tak’s Biot Midge for dry action when the trout are eating adult or emerging midges.
I tie it in a few different colors, such as black, grey, olive, tan and brown. For a lighter version, I use light colored thread as a rib, and tie them down to size 20. I think I should tie some smaller, but I don’t know tha tI can handle hackling a fly smaller than that yet.
I like that one two Harry, but then I LOVE Cripples and it is also a Cripple.
Very nice tie!
I also use the CDC emergers.
For dries, I tie these in 24 to 28 (finding hackle just right is a little tough)
Thing works great, but then I am a soft Hackle freak. A little tug on this and it becomes an emerger also.
DG, John, Norman, Ror-eye, Bones, Gigmaster and Fly Goddess,
Thanks for the great ideas, links and patterns. I need to sit down at the vice now and get to work. I knew I could get some great advice here. I should be ready next time.