
I saw a special last night on National Geographic on snakehead fish that are invading our waters. I have never heard of them. Are they really as big of a problem as they claim to be? Just seeing what you guys and girls think.

Thanks Jason

I haven’t seen any yet and hope I never do. They have the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission worried though.

I don’t think that reacting in this manner to any alien invasive species is not over reacting. You should see what we have to go through to insure that there aren’t any of our species getting shipped around the world in the freight sent to the military. Being for the Lake Erie region I am not complaining. Matter of fact I am all for doing everything we can to prevent receiving and sending species that are not native to other parts of the world.

heres another one that is getting to be a huge problem

We had the chinese snakehead thingies a few years ago. They’re still here, just not as many. They are HORRIBLE. They are tough, eat anything and everything, grow fast, and can go out of water and breathe air, FOR DAYS!!!

We have them here in N. Ga., although the DNR won’t acknowledge it. I catch them regularly near Rome, Ga., in the Coosa and Coosawatie Rivers.

I don’t see them as much of a problem because they have different habits than our native species. They are delicious broiled.

And to dispel some media ‘hype’, there has never been one single confirmed case of a snakehead attacking a human anywhere in the world. The only reported bite injuries have been during the hook-removal process.

I guess what I am saying is that, in the entire history of this country, we have never been able to eradicate an introduced species that can survive here, and our efforts to do so have been far more harmful to the native species than the alien species are. We could not eliminate the Brown Rat (came over with Columbus), Cottontail Rabbits, Common Carp, Nutria, Japanese Beetles, African Honeybees, etc… All are still here and doing fine. In fact, the only introduced species that I can think of that is not around anymore are the Camels that were brought here as an experiment, for the Calvary to ride out West during the Indian Campaigns. And even today, there are still legends of solitary camels roaming the West Texas Plains. We can’t even stop the influx of illegal HUMAN aliens, let alone animals who are much better at hiding and surviving. The best we can do is to help the adjustment process along as much as possible.

It may take a bit for the environment to adapt to them, but I believe it can accomodate them. That would be far less damaging than trying to exterminate them. Almost all of our environmental ‘nightmares’ have been way over-estimated. The Killer Bees have adjusted to us, and we to them, carp and brown trout live here in harmony, rainbow trout live peacefully in the Eastern US, well outside their normal range, Nutria have become an epicurean delicacy in LA., and Peacock Bass, and Nile Perch in Fla draw anglers from all over the world. Admittedly, the Sea Lamprey moving up the St. Lawrence River has been hard on the Lake Trout in the Great Lakes, but the Lamprey is a Native species. Zebra Mussels are inconvenient to boaters, but pose little threat to the environment. Hydrilla is a pain to fish around, but provides excellent cover for gamefish. Kudzu is prolific, but it is very edible, and can be used as greens, if people would try it. It is also good livestock forge.

I don’t think the ‘Frankenfish’ scenarios that the media puts out will be that bad. I think the environment will adjust. And, they are great fighters on fly tackle. They love med-sized streamers.

Personally, I want to strap on my motorcycle helmet, rent a powerboat and cruise one of the lakes with bighead carp and let them jump in the boat, then have a major carp-fry. This is full-contact fishing at it’s best!

I have caught them here in Miami…only babys so far but they came from somewhere…the Everglades are full of exotics so between pirhannas an pythons I am not worried