It’s been 7 days since I was bitten. I thought I would post an update.
I have been confined to the couch/bed for days. I have been out of the house 3-4 times. Twice a quick run to work, and a ice cream run. I think my wife and I are gonna run to Sears this afternoon to pick out a new stove.
The swelling is down about 65%. There is still significant swelling around the toes and ball of my foot. I got bit on the second toe. The heel area and lower calf are down to almost normal. I can actually put some weight on the heel of my foot but I can’t put the front of the foot on the floor with any weight yet. I am down to taking Advil for the pain. It’s working pretty well. I sometimes need a single Vicodin, mainly at night after moving around taking a bath etc.
I can finally move my toes apart some to see the area where the fangs went in. I feel fortunate as there does not appear to be any permanent damage at the bite location. I hear some people lose toes and have some permanent damage at the bite location. It’s not over yet, but the skin at the bite area looks normal, a bit red and swollen, but normal.
all i can say is get well wholey man thats scarey good luck with sears hope u can stand long enogh to pick one stove out. might be short trip. geeeeeet well.
While doing a little bank fishing friday I forgot the keep the backcast upeth and ended up in a thicket in a small ditch. Your episode was very much on my mind as I very carefully retreived my fly.
There was a thread telling my story. Basically I was in a stream getting ready to float for smallmouth and walked through some shallow water vegetation and got bit by a Cottonmouth or Copperhead. Never saw the snake but found the fang holes in my toe. Decided Cottonmouth or Copperhead as they are the ones that seem to be in that I have seen.
Glad you are on the mend, Wayne. I have to get a pair of snake proof boots for the area I hunt. I have also seen several copperheads around the small lake I like to fish. Better half is adamant that, since I hunt in an area where there are timber rattlers, I get snake boots! Good idea.
Glad to hear you’re getin’ better, hang in there. To echo a couple others. I went out Tues. and due to your post I decided to go to some differnt places that were not as grown up. Having said that, I was even more careful where I stepped, even in the “short” grass.