Smoky Mountain Swap - Complete!

*** FLIES ARE IN THE MAIL ON 4-29!!! ***


Announcing the Smoky Mountain Fly Swap!


I will be visiting the Smoky Mountain National Park the end of April. I would like to swap effective patterns for this region. Some example flies are Mr. Rapidan, Yallerhammer, Thunderhead, Eastern Yellow Stonefly, Tennessee Wulff, Orange Stimulator, etc… Any pattern that works for this region will do.

I will limit this swap to 12 tiers. Since I always seem to lose the fly that works the best, I would like everyone to tie 2 each for everyone, for a total of 24 flies.

Signup deadline will be Feb 28, flies are due to me by April 1. Any flies that arrive late without special arrangement will be returned.

Be sure to ship your flies in a box large and sturdy enough to hold the flies you will be getting back. Make sure to include a return stamped and addressed envelope strong enough to hold it all. No metered mailing strips please. Toe tags are optional. Please mark your envelopes with your online name and the swap name. I will PM you my mailing address as you sign up for the swap. Please confirm when you receive my address.

I will tie a size 10 foam post Mr. Rapidan Parachute


Me - Mr. Rapidan Parachute COMPLETE
Me - Stickbait soft hackle COMPLETE
Me - Smokey Mountain Candy COMPLETE
CJ - Orange Stimulator SWAP FLIES RECEIVED
kayakfish - Smoky Mountain Forked Tail SWAP FLIES RECEIVED
bassman - #14 Green Weenie SWAP FLIES RECEIVED
Esquire92 - Tellico Nymph SWAP FLIES RECEIVED
Kahuna - Yallerhammer SWAP FLIES RECEIVED
okieflyfisheman - Mountain Red Head RECEIVED
LarryF - #10 BH GRHE’S with rubber legs SWAP FLIES RECEIVED
hcmiller - Zug bug AND Hare’s Ear Flymph SWAP FLIES RECEIVEDm

I’m going there the first part of June, so this will be great. Put me down for the Orange Stimulator.

CJ, welcome aboard!

How’s about an old one:

Smokey Mountain Forked Tail

Body: Lynx Fur or Substitute
Ribbing: Yellow silk
Tail: Mallard Primary 2 Fibers
Hackle: Grizzly or Barred Rock
Wing: Mallard Drake Primary Flight Feather

Found this on in TROUT by: Bergamn :smiley:


Sounds good to me, you’re in! Make sure to use real Lynx on that one! Chuckle, only kidding.

I would like to get in with a fly I do real well with in the Smokies, I would like to tie a #14 Green Weenie, if that is ok. Thanks John

Putting this back on top. John

Dagnabbit! Took the weenie! This may be my first swap…what to tie, what to tie.


Thanks for joining, you are in.

Esquire92, find a pattern and jump in! A viagra caddis is a good choice. … howid=1113


I’m leaning towards either an Elk Hair Caddis or Copper John. But those aren’t really Smokies only, they’re not too interesting, and I’m still a really bad tier. :slight_smile:

92Esquire, how about a Mr. Rapidan emerger? The more you tie the better you will get! … nbrown.htm

My flies are in the mail. I have included some extra’s for the Swapmeister. Thanks again for letting me join in on this swap. John

Thanks for the update, bassman. There is still room for more tiers here, how about it?

[b]Count me in with a Yallerhammer. How many do I need to tie.


I think I’ve come to a decision. Put me down for the Tellico Nymph. Anyone have a preference as to size (thinking either 14 or 16).

Kahuna, you are in! You need to tie 24 flies for the swap.

Esquire92, that sounds good to me. 14 and 16 are both good sizes, so either will work fine.


We have 6 tiers so far that are tying excellent patterns. There is still room for 6 more tiers.


I’ll get started tying :!: Mine will be a 10 or 12. My eyes even with glasses can’t take much smaller

Kahuna :smiley: :!: :lol:


I know what you mean! Size 10 or 12 will be fine.


My wife told me that your flies arrived today. I can’t wait to get home and check them out!


A #16 Mountain Red Head has worked well for me in Eastern Tennessee. I will get in with it if you have room.