Smith River - Montana

I just got off the Smith and it is blown out. Like fishing in a chocolate milkshake. 9 people, 4 days, 5 fish. But other than that the trip was great. the weather was in the high 70’s, low 80’s and no rain. First trip in the last 6 years where I wasn’t rained on for a least one day.

Im in Bozeman, you heard of any good spots lately? I hear they are all blown… Im thinking about fishing the madison between ennis and hebgen. Have you heard anything about the MO past helena?

The missouri should be okay below Holter Dam. they control the runoff there.

My group was sceduled for a put in on the 22nd. However, the ticket holder just called and he was able to switch to Friday. With the cool weather we just might get some fishing in this trip.

The Smith has been holding near 800 cfs for the last few days. Hopefully it will clean up a bit over the next few days.

By the way, it was snowing here in Emigrant for a good few hours this afternoon. I had the afternoon off so I went for a soak at Chico in the snow.

It was at about 275 the day before we put on, 400 the day we put on, and rose to 800 by the time we got off. with the rain we are getting right now it should increase the runoff even more. I wouldn’t be suprised if it was over 900 by this weekend.

I have been watching the gauges and the radar like a hawk. So far it seems that most of the rain is staying to the east of the Smith. The Smith did drop a bit over night though. I know that it will not take much rain to really make the river blow again.

The new report is for a heavy snow warning in that area for 10 to 36 inches above 7000’. What a “spring”.

I do love spring in Montana. Its still better than Massachusetts…

I work in the agriculture industry, we can never have enough rain. Especially afterthe years of drought we have went through in this area.

I love all this rain and snow, keep it coming. I’d gladly put up with some rain any day in Montana.