Small for me

I’m new-ish around here, and like I said earlier, am in a class right now. I think I’m getting the hang of these #16 2x short scud hooks. What do you think?

Very nice. The classes are a great way to get a jump start on tying. You are probably addicted by now and should look for a room in the house you can call yours. Then fill it with materials.:smiley:

That fly looks great

It is an intermediate class. I have been bumbling along for a few years, and finally thought I’d try a class. As for a tying room, I have a corner of the dining room with my tying desk (an old Singer pedal sewing machine desk) and most of an entire closet full of dead animal parts.

:rolleyes: AH HA,
Another One “Heading for the Dark Side” before You know it You will be doing Flies like these, Then You also will hear" Your a Sick, Sick Man"
Great Looking Fly, You are doing Great:D

Hey 10ae1203, that’s a great looking fly with some detail for a 12 or 14 much less a 16. I got to looking at your fly closer and thought man, now theres some doing’s for a size 16, good looking fly to me…:slight_smile: