I have seen a few posts that for me just come up as one photo. But the post says enjoy the “slide” show. All I ever get is one pic. What do I do on here when there is such a post…to see all the pics?
I have seen a few posts that for me just come up as one photo. But the post says enjoy the “slide” show. All I ever get is one pic. What do I do on here when there is such a post…to see all the pics?
That is what I do John. Nothing happens. I just have the one photo that I get to see when I click on your link. I see the mountains. That is all I get. The one pic in the whole box. One pic in the upper left corner of the window. Nothing happen when I click on it.
Gemrod, when I click on his picture it takes me to photobucket and a slide show starts running. I’m using Firefox.
I, also, get switched to photobucket, and a slide show starts. I’m using Internet Explorer.
I use Internet Explorer also and it sends me to Photobucket where the slide show begins. If that doesn’t work for you, try right clicking and then left click where it says “open link”. That might work for you. Good luck.
Thanks. I use Internet Explorer…and none of the above works for me. right click, left click…nuttin’ I just …have a picture. Nothing I can DO with it and it doesn’t take me anywhere.
Thanks for trying
you either need flash player or you have a pop-up blocker function.
Do you have a pop-up blocker installed? Or activated? If so, …
Go to the “Tools” pull-down, click on “Pop-up Blocker”. You need to find the Settings , so you can create an exception for photobucket.com. Type it in and click the “Add” button. This will allow pb to open popups.
If that don’t fix it, I’ll have to think on it some more.
did the pulldown on pop up blocker and added it
still can’t click on John’s link & then his posted pic and get anywhere
Spinner has it right. You need to update or download Flashplayer 10 or it won’t work.
Oops, My bad. (Read ALL of the post, Barnes!!) I didn’t catch the getting one pic part.
The addition of PBucket to your exceptions list won’t hurt anything, or leave you vulnerable to infection, so you can leave it if you like. Might come in handy, who knows.
Good luck,