Slick ways to use thick stemmed marabou

The fibers cut from thick-stemmed marabou feathers can be placed in a dubbing loop and then plammered nicely. I have read about soaking the stems and then splitting them for use in plammering hackle, but I’ve not yet compared the techniques. I’d be interested in hearing about these and other techniques folks use to make good use of marabou feathers with thick stems.

I just cut the marabou from each side of the stem as I need it and use it for tails and wings.

I just cut them off the stem and tie them in. just a twist or two and wrap them up the shank.

I believe the main difference would be in the appearance. Palmered with split hackle will tend to add a ribbed look to the fly whereas the palmered dubbing loop won’t.

Most times I just tear the marabou from the shaft and tie it in by stacking. Gives a bit more bulk for leeches and damsel nymphs.
