Sink Tip System

I was looking at this from Orvis, and thought about giving them a try to eliminate the need for different lines as I find the need to get sub-surfaced at times, Instant Sink-Tip System

Has anyone used these before, if so, how well did it work for you? Or is there a better way to accomplish the same results?


i have a Rio kit thats about the same—its the only way when you need it—

I worked 17’ of water with 300 grn and i was sticking the bottom after a 60 ft cast and a 15 count and every once in a while a striper.

i wouldnt buy it on a whim—just if you need it.

where did you find the Rio kit, I’d like to compare them. Are they available online ??


I got mine from a friend that was the Rio rep in our area and he is now representing a competing line so he was switching his lines over —they were used —i’ve seen them sold individually and they sell a “wallet” to keep them in

it makes sense to buy the sizes that match your rods----in other words a 400 grain line isnt going to do much for you if you only have a 5 wt or vice versa

SA makes a streamer express line that works rather well also but it would be specific to a range of rods—i have a 400 gr line that works well with a 9wt and if i back off i can use it on my 8 and i might make it work on a 10 but never tried it

hope that helps

Mike -

Rio also makes sinking leaders in two lengths ( 7.5 and 12 feet ) and several sink rates ( from about 1.5 inches per second up to 7 inches per second ), which could be an interesting alternative to their sink tip system, for your purposes.

Go to Rio’s website ( they are a sponsor of FAOL ), look under products, for leaders, and look for Freshwater Versileaders.

For what it is worth, I am a big fan of Rio products - lines, leaders, tippet, etc. I am not connected to them in any way, although I do like to see some money flow to SE Idaho businesses !!


The “old school” heads that we used before all the specialized lines is just a length of leadcore trolling line in various lengths—its a cheap way of finding out whether it is something you cant live without—it helps to have a grain scale

I to use sections of lead core trolling line as sink tips.
Start with 1’ 2’ 3’ sections (loop both ends) 40# test I think it is.
It realy gets a streamer down.


Thanks John, found the Rio leaders. I like the idea of using a leader instead of adding a section between the line and leader like Orvis’s system works. I’m a big SA and Rio user myself.

The specs on the Rio Sinking leaders incase any one else my be interested:
Renamed from Powerflex Core Sinking Leaders, these 7 ft (2.1 m) and 12 ft (3.7 m)
sinking leaders have a high tenacity nylon core coated with a super low modulus
tungsten polymer mixture.

They feature little memory or coiling, great turnover
plus shock absorption for fish fighting. These leaders come in Trout (12 lb)
or Salmon (24 lb) series and feature an ultra smooth welded loop making it easy
to connect to the fly line. Sink rates: 1.5 ips (3.7 cm/s), 2.6 ips (6.6 cm/s),
3.9 ips (9.9 cm/s), 5.6 ips (14.2 cm/s), 7.0 ips (17.8 cm/s). The 1.5 ips weight
leader is clear (without tungsten), and the heavier weights are dark
(colored by the tungsten).


I have never seen these RIO sinking leaders before. Very interesting. What’s everyone think about putting a loop at the end of the leader and connecting a couple feet of tippet with a loop-to-loop connection?

I haven’t used these leaders, yet, but that is exactly the way I would do it if I get around to using one.

I use a small perfection loop on each end, works well for me. I also use a knot I came across that works pretty slick, called a “Double Uni Knot”. The loop-to-loop works really well when the temps are cold and the ole` fingers ain’t so nibble :slight_smile:


Mike -

I picked up a 12’ 5.6 ips Rio Versileader yesterday ( about $13 ). It has a clear mono tip end about 8-10" long. After thinking about different ways to connect the tippet ( blood knot, perfection loop, or tip ring ) I decided to try using a tip ring. ( I have some that I use for furled leaders, and I’ve tried them on mono leaders before, but with not-so-good results ).

While fishing the South Fork today, decided to try the Versileader. I was fishing a Sage Fli 9’ for 7 wt with a Rio Selective Trout WF7F. I tied on a couple feet of 2X tippet to the tip ring and fished a size 8 pine squirrel zonker streamer.

The first good news is that both the line and leader have built in loops that match very well. The loop to loop connection is so small and smooth that you can pull it through the tip top without even noticing it. Not that you would want to, but if you happen to do it, it should be trouble free ?!

The Versileader cast much better / easier for me than the sink tip line I have on my 5 wt. Had to adjust my casting stroke and open up the loop to avoid the leader and fly collapsing onto the fly line, but once getting to that point, it was nice to cast the medium sized streamer. With some practice, I am confident that it will prove a very nice combo to fish with.

The leader does get down. But even at 12’, it is easy to pick up for the next cast. Besides catching a brown trout after just a few casts, I was dragging bottom with some regularity, which was a good thing considering the water I was fishing. Besides the brown, I picked up a couple cutthroat - so what is not to like about this rig ??

Finally, I think the Versileader will work with the floating lines on both my 9’ for 5 wt and my 14’ for 8/9 two handed rod. That will make the “Versi” very versatile, for sure.


P.S. I don’t fish stillwater hardly at all, but Jimmy made the point when I was discussing the set up with him that it would be good for fishing some of the lakes and reservoirs we have around here. May get a chance to try it at Henry’s Lake in the next week or two.

I decided to order some and gonna give’em a try. kinda hard to find online though. we don’t have any fly shops in our area unfortunately gotta order everything online.

thx’s for the nice report, sounds like they’ll do the job.


Y’know, I’ve got 2 Bass Pro’s, 2 fly shops and a Cabelas all within 45 miles of my house. But with the current gas prices, it costs me $6 to drive to the closest one and $15 to drive to Cabela’s. :frowning: I could just about save money by ordering online even though I have them all in my backyard. I’m about ready to go drill for oil myself.

must be nice :wink:

the nearest Cabela’s is about 4hr dr., neastest BassPro is about 3hr dr., and the closest fly shop, that I know of, is about 5-6hr dr. The local WalMart does not sell any fly fishing gear at all.

I’d luv to be able to browse through a fly tackle shop, ask questions & get some tips …etc., instead of buying everything online. I think these gas prices are going hurt alot of business, especially the tourism biz for sure!!


It is nice that I can go to these places and put my hands on an item before I buy it. But it’s tough to justify going, just to browse, anymore. And I really can’t figure out why we have two Bass Pro’s. It seems kinda silly.

we have 2 BPS in Iowa, one of them is opening sometime in Sept 08 I think, the other is only about an hour away from the other one … go figure. No Cabela’s in IA tho! I personally prefer Cabela’s :slight_smile:


There’s rumors of a Cabela’s maybe going in somewhere in central Iowa after the Altoona Bass Pro Shops opens in early 2009. Speculation suggests the location may be somewhere in Newton (east of Des Moines)?

There’s also a Fleet & Farm (or Farm & Fleet) that is supposed to open here in Ankeny sometime later this year, just south of the Sportsman’s Warehouse. I’ve heard F&F has a pretty good fishing section. I get a lot of my fly-tying materials, and fly reels from Sportsman’s. Their prices are surprisingly good!

yea, when I moved back to Iowa from Louisiana, I moved to the wrong part of the state that’s for sure :lol:

I thought I read that new BPS was opening in late Sept this year. And why so close to the one in Council Bluffs. that doesn’t make alot of sense. Could have put in Sioux City … that be nice :wink:


In answer to the original post. I have two SA Quad-Tip lines. They are 15 ft heads that attach to a “running” line, then end of it is still part of the head. I use them for stream fishing for smallmouth bass etc. I like them. I carry the mesh wallet rather than extra lines and spools and have 4 lines at my disposal.
