made a few single eggs today to see if I can get the hang of it. not bad only had to cut one down and redo it! I had some trouble getting it round right away for about half of them but I dropped in the cold water anyways and dried um good then took a lighter and reheated the glue and spun them round and dropped them in the water again and it worked great. you can pound these things out! made this in about 10 mins or less! they look great for my 1st ones! might take a few and try to make some clusters! might have to use size 10 hooks for that tho instead of 12’s. some might say its not tying but too me its a artificial material and its hand made and its not real bait so I like it! sure looks pretty real too!! might make some egg sucking leeches this way and see how they come out
Good evening 69er
Please explain,
are these eggs from a hot glue gun and the glue stick ?
I’ve tried many times and each and EVERY time is, they come out nothing like your beaut eggs.
I need to know !
You could and never would accept the time I’ve put into trying to lay these eggs !
There must be some deep secret clue egg layers have I cannot find…help.
Kindest regards,
Where egg laying is heavy the fish get picky about the color of the egg they will take and the glue eggs are difficult to make in different colors.
A couple tricks I have picked up after making many of these…
Use a heavy ice pick to poke a hole in the egg. Cut a small chunk of deep red glue and put it in the hole and hit it briefly with a lighter.
Use several forceps and mount several hooks (one at a time) so you can quickly go from one to the next.
Clusters are easily built, but try adding eggs of different colors as you build your clusters. That requires multiple glue guns, obviously, or the dedication to make a LOT of eggs.
With your hook in a forceps the rounding goes quite easy as long as the glue is at the right temperature. It comes pretty naturally once you dedicate a little time. Reheating and rounding up the glue is easy also.
The following step by step might be helpful.
I’ve done ‘hot glue eggs’ the same way Fishaholic did them. It works, but is MUCH easier with a rotary vise. If you can keep the glue rotaing evenly as you apply it and then reheat (after some practice you can skip the reheating) they will come out round and even.
However, there are two major issues with eggs done in this fashion, both of which have already been touched upon.
First, color selection of hot glue sticks is limited.
Second, doing an egg with the shank as the ‘middle’ of the egg closes off quite a bit of the hook gap.
Ron’s link shows the way I do it now.
First, you can get plastic beads in a wide array of colors. They will ‘match’ ANY color you should choose. Combine the beads with the colors of glue abvailable, along with clear, and you can get what you want, colorwise. By changing the thread color you can get some interesting effects…if you want a ‘hot spot’ just place a dot with a marker before adding the glue.
Having the egg mostly ‘on top’ of the shank fixes two common problems with egg patterns. It opens the hook gap, allowing better hook ups. AND it keeps the hook point oriented upright, away from stuff on the bottom, so you get fewer snags.
To do ‘clusters’ you just use very small beads and thread them together into a cluster, THEN coat with the glue. Looks cool.
I have been building glue stick eggs for years… This is the first time I have seen the bead trick and I am impressed big time! Thanks!
today I tried to make some cluster eggs and they came out ok but it sure is harder than the singles!! also added some extra glue to the few eggs that weren’t 5mm and fixed them up… made some egg sucking leech setup’s also. I will finish those up later and post um. heres some pix. the red bead is the 5mm bead and steelhaed eggs are supposedly that big so i used that as a reference. what ya think?
yes this is made from a glue gun. and actually believe it or not glue stick color is not that limited. get the glue sticks made by hareline they have many colors to match all the eggs. never used any bead in these. just glue… the glue stick for this one is oregon cheese color from hareline. all I did was use hemostats and put a hook in it. squeeze a glob of glue on the hook and circle your glue gun around to get the glue away from the gun. next take hemos and rotate them to round out the egg. one roundish drop in water till dry and set to air dry… and repeat on more hooks… after you get a few done I go back to each egg and reheat then with a lighter and roatate till perfectly round and redip into water. thats it. I tried clusters today and its way harder to do cause you can’t really reheat um up like I do for the singles. hope this helps.
Colors are that limited when you look at a typical flyshop selection here… Hand-painted beads are popular and there will be scads of colors to choose from. Two things to consider, too, the eggs are available in incredible quantities and in a huge range of colors. The “bad” news is the fish often get extremely selective on exactly the right color and size egg…
oh ok just thought ya were looking at the craft store. I fish the great lakes and all we have are steelhead and these ones should match a steelhead egg pretty close when wet. heres a pic of some eggs a hen dropped when I hooked her when she charged the clouser instead of the males i was targeting last spring. looks almost the same especially when the egg is submerged in water. remember that egg pic was took in a bright noon sun and the glue eggs under some flouros so it don’t look as bright… I got 10 different color glo bugs and spawns and meths and now these eggs. I am gonna use these for the clear waters in the spring. I use glo eggs in all colors for dirtier waters. I like to use streamers mostly tho. never even caught a steelhead on a egg or nymph yet. all on streamers. buggers and clousers.
Good evening.
Thanks everybody for shareing your ideas and messages.
Kindest regards,
Those are nice eggs.
That pattern produces at Lees Ferry from time to time… (I’m gonna set my watch for the RIGHT time from now on…)
I dont’ use a glue gun but rather just cut the glue stuck and manage it onto the hook then heat it with a candle and dip it in cold water.
I hold the hook with a hemostat.
Sometimes I add a bit of white stuff like hair or marabou and the like.
to add color into the center of the egg, you first put that color on a small dab then let it cool(drop in a cool whip container with cold water) while you make several others, dry them off and apply the second color over it while spinning them and you have a two colored egg.
thanks for the tips and ideas guys