I just read Lefty Kreh’s article in Fly Fisherman Dec. 08 titled “Cast Away Shoulder Pain”. I think it’s a good article and more importantly, a good lesson to learn for those of us who have chronic shoulder pain. After my shoulder surgery I had to relearn flycasting and still have problems because I want to raise my arm too much. At the end of the day I feel like someone parked a dump truck on my shoulder. I see in this article an easier, softer way that looks like it should keep the pain to a minimum. I think I will go to the park today and give it a try. Jimsnarocks:idea:
Yes, I read that article too. It all makes sense to me. I have a problem with both of my shoulders. When I cast using his method it sures feels a lot better at the end of the day. I think he suggested torquing your body more than just your arm. It does help me, that’s for sure.
yep, learned that shoulder rotation from a guide early last spring, and it made a huge difference. rotator cuff woes led me to find a different casting motion, and Lefty has described it perfectly. only thing missing was any force to straighten out the tippet, and that’s where the shoulder rotation comes in.
I’ve not read the article by Lefty but I had a severe problem with shoulder pain about three years ago. I was casting mainly nine weight rods for LMB and trying to cast to Lake Okeechobee from the South Carolina boarder. I found that switching to a lighter rod helped immensely. I also backed off on the distance I was trying to achieve. To make a long story short, my shoulder got better in a couple of months. 8T
I’m not one to brag about my casting (inabilities) since I’ve had to do much to relieve some very poor habits that were totally self-taught when I first came to this sport. I do however, share some physical troubles with you and can feel for you with the difficulties. Mine is severe elbow tendonitis that has nothing to do with fishing but everything to do with my day to day lifestyle.
Regarding that lifting your arm/shoulder thing when casting…DON’T!! You really don’t need to, unless you try for the next county. Then again with troubled shoulders…DON’T!
I don’t cast directly overhead, rather off at some angle to the side…might be 45 deg or slightly more vertical…50-55 deg. maybe. That’s my comfort spot. You might too. I also don’t do that “holding a book under your armpit” thing either but in your case I’d really suggest you give it some serious consideration.
You DON’T need to raise that shoulder…and your pain won’t be made greater if you get rid of your (now “normal”) manner of the cast.
Try it Jim, I’m almost certain it will help. It might feel odd at first but it’ll do you better.
And if you subscribe to Lefty’s suggestions of casting (they’ve helped me a lot!!) keep that elbow on the plank and watch your loops become tighter right away. Immediately!
She works well!
Good luck with that shoulder.
There are some excellent videos that cover this subject here - http://www.floridafishingweekly.tv/?channel=lefty&videofile=fishbuzz/flyfishing/leftyconcept