Should I try fiberglass....

So what are some of the advantages or differences between fiberglass versus graphite or bamboo I have an opportunity to get a fiberglass rod for a good price and I am sorely tempted. Thanks…

Rawfish, Glass was the next step after Boo. They are pretty similar in action. My fishn partner is now building Boo and almost disowned me when I bought an old HI glass :lol: The reason I did was for rainy day fishn. Dont wanna deal with sets. If you have a chance for a good deal, go for it. One of the posters on here,DLeo6446 has some glass that is awesome. Ill probably get stoned by the hard core Boo people on here. Collect and have fun doin it!

I love glass rods and have a bunch of them.
They tend to have a slow to medium action which I like for fishing dry flys and even big hair bugs.
The one I use most often is my “bushwacking” rod. A six footer that I use when prowling over grown brookie streams.
Though I’ve done it, glass rods are hard to kill.
They take a beatin’ and keep on castin’
The slower action may not be for those folks use to modern fast action rods though. Try one you might like it.

Glass is awesome and an excellent rod material. For the most part the action is slower than graphite BUT there are exceptions. It is light in the hand compared with bamboo but heavier than graphite. It may have a similar deflection to cane but the mass difference ends the similarity in feel.

I have a few glass rods and two are among my favorites and I have graphite and bamboo to choose from. I had one custom rod built this year and have another on order as well as having set-up a few eBay searches for glass rods. I LOVE them!

Check out the [url=]Fiberglass Flyrodders Forum[/url:7b0dc]. There is lots of info on glass here and some builders as well. I hope posting this link isn’t a problem.

It is good to see another minority coming out in the open. I had been feeling awkward about using my favorite Wonderod. I was cranking up the courage to point out:

1 Glass and bamboo weigh about the same. Hmmmmm…

2 Glass rod design and action frequently followed traditional bamboo specs. Hmmmm…

3 Wouldn’t a premium glass rod have a lot in common with a bamboo rod? Hmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm…

You guys have covered that nicely. The only thing you left out is that glass is less expensive than bamboo. Unless we can figure out a way to boost the price, it will never catch on in some circles. :roll:

If you charge enough, they will come. See the T&T Heirloom rods Rumor has it they are selling well. :smiley:

Some of the boutique, Japanese built glass is pricey too.



Good to see glass keeping up with the Joneses. Since glass has arrived, that is, comes in models selling for half a grand or more, I respectfully suggest adding glass to the name of this forum. Cane, Glass, and Graphite. :roll: