Looking for a rod tube about 23". Outside of building my own is there anywhere that sells them that short?
I found a place called Aluminum tubes they make all sizes and colors a screw on top and solid bottom resonable prices. Nick
thanks for the tips…
I know a guy that can make you one that is water proof, truck proof, and impact proof. I can talk to him if you want.
Hi Janus - A couple of years ago (two or three), I bought a TFO Jim Teeny 10’ 5wt 5 piece rod. It didn’t come with a rod tube, so after much searching, i found this place:
They will build you EXACTLY what you want, with the highest quality workmanship, and they do it really fast. Check out all the options! Of course, the more options you add, the higher the price. If you go with this outfit, I highly recommend the type of cap that is held closed with a buckle/strap. After using it for a while, I wish all cordura tubes had this feature instead of a zipper closure.
mudhole.com has several rod cases in the 21’ to 24" range by both Clear Creek and St. Croix. They also have a kit called Jet Tube, which includes the components to build a tube any length you want. You just cut the tube to fit and assemble it. It runs about $15.
Cabelas has a 24" rod/reel case.
Home depot has some PVC with end caps.
In the past I have had good results shortening an existing tube to the length I want. You just saw off the bottom end of the tube, remove the bottom cap from the cut off piece, then attach it the bottom of the tube. You just have to make sure you make a nice square cut. I used a mitre saw.
Try here…
I have used them several times and Ron can make any thing you could want or need.
I bought a shortie for a 4-piece 8’-5" rod at Cabelas back in June. It had the integral reel pouch. They has some shorter at the store in Dundee, MI.
I will be making my own out of PVC components bought at Lowe’s. I can get the materials to build two tubes long enough for my 2 piece 9 foot rods for about 10 bucks each. A trip to Wal-Mart will produce the fabric for the sock and covering the tube for just a few dollars more. A little sewing and a little Elmer’s Glue All should produce a nice sturdy custom tube and sock.
I have an Orvis 909-4 Cordura covered pvc with a zipper - brand new that is about 30" long you can have for nothing if you will tell me where to send it.
Bob I really appreciate the offer. I ended finding something I could use. Thanks again for the generous offer.