Shorb loop questions

OK so i was sent the directions for incorporating the Shorb loop in my leaders sometime back. the only trouble is that I can figure it out. Could someone post pics and a better explanation of how this is done? I would also like to know how the tippet rings are worked into the leaders.




I will post below the orriginal written directions Skip Shorb gave to me many years ago. He gave me permission to post it here on FAOL, which I did. I just looked for it and can not find it doing a search. Can not find the pictures or drawings that I know I have someplace here on my own computer. I have the original drawing done by Dr Bruce Whittle on a piece of tablet paper, done at a resturant while a bunch of us were having coffee. Know you would prefer pictures but right now this is the best I can do. Will keep looking. Skip Shorb never used rings because he felt they were not necessary. In 10 years of using only Furled leaders I have never felt a need to use them myself either.
I’m not very good at this pic attachment thing. The first drawing above is the one Bruce did. Then the one to the right is next. The 3 below are now in order. Hopefully this might help.

The Shorb Loop
by Skip Shorb
The Shorb Loop (for Furled Leaders) is made by weaving the end(s) back into the body of the leader butt using a latch hook, called knit picker, available from WalMart or possibly another sewing supply source.

Put the hook all the way through the loop formed during construction. Grab the body of the leader an inch or so down and close the latch on the hook. Hold on to the paper clip or securing thread and pull the hook back through the construction loop. This will result in an adjustable loop similar to a lasso. On the large, butt end, place the intersection of the loop between index finger and thumb and tighten the loop down until it forms a circle approximately 1/2" in diameter. The movable end of the loop (the construction loop) should be vertical and the long tail should go to the left. Insert the hook between the two large twisted threads on the tail just to the right of the construction loop, hook onto the leader just above the construction loop and pull it through. When the end of the hook clears the body of the leader, move the handle of the hook down 90? and push the hook upwards. This causes the shank of the hook to separate the body of the leader (the two threads) from the portion just pulled through, forming a very small loop. Pull on the tail and gently wiggle and twist the hook shank until the loop pulls all the way through. Once the loop is large enough, fit it over the handle so you can apply more pressure to finish locking the loop in place. If you get a small knot try pinching the sides of the knot between your fingernails and scraping down as you apply pressure to the loop. The knot is caused by the thread hanging up as it turns inside out when it’s pulled through itself.

The small end is done the same way with several variations. The 1/2" circle is not formed. Instead, the intersection is placed between the thumb and index finger with the construction loop approximately 3/8 to 1/2 inch from the near edge of the index finger nail. Untwist the leader some and use the middle finger of the same hand to hold it stretched against the fingernail. This will give some room to put the hook between the two threads. Finish in the same manner as used on the other end except you don’t need to put it over the handle. I use an Optivisor for this end.

The illustration (by Bruce Whittle) should help clear up most questions even though it shows the movable end down instead of up.

This might help

… to a previous thread on an alternative way to do a shorb loop.

Regarding your second question, incorporating tip rings can be a very simple process. Maybe not so easy to describe.

On my rig, I do not use a “post” as such at the tip end. I have a fish hook attached to a movable end post that rides on a carriage. I take my turns around the fish hook, not the end post.

When the layout is complete, I slide a piece of ultra wire through the collected loops on one of the butt ends and fold the wire in half. Then slide the tip ring over the ends and down the two strands of the folded wire.

Next, take the butt end loops off the hook, or post, or whatever they are wrapped around.

Pull the wire, which is now holding the butt ends of the leader material, tight and slide the tip ring off the wire onto the strands of leader material.

Replace the butt end loops of leader material onto the hook, or post, or whatever they were wrapped around.

Slide the tip ring down to the tip end of the leader material.

Remove the leader material from the hook that is holding the tip end of the leader material.

Place the tip ring onto the hook that was holding the tip end of the leader material.

Here’s another link that might help. Notice the end post with hook on the movable carriage in the third photo.


So there are 3 ways presented with two being similar except for the use of the mono. I haven’t used Jack’s method and since I’m not planning to do any leaders soon would appreciate comments on which of the 2 are better, easier, etc…I supposed 6 of one half a dozen of the other… but just curious…

Look at this link:

I use the same method (basically) as John Scott. I do use a post at the tip end and cup hooks at the butt end. You can use a wire or small diameter mono to slip the ring over one of the “legs”. This is about as simple as it can get to add a ring. I have tied a shorb loop in about two furled leaders and don’t care that much for them. Instead of metal rings I have also just tied a piece of mono in the loop that is created when furling. (The one that will eventually close if you pull on it). I then tie a perfection loop in the mono and “loop to loop” tippet material on this. This latter method is fine for bass or bigger fish. For more finicky trout I “open” the end of the furled leader by twisting it backwards, inserting the end of a hook to keep it open while I tie in the tippet.

That looks like the way one would put a loop in a mooring line using a marlinspike.