Shipping Pontoon Boats

What is the best way to ship a pontoon boat?

Anyone have idea about what it would cost?

I’m guessing businesses get a 'wholesale" rate.

My Scadden ships in a single cardboard box that’s an OK size and weight for UPS. About $40…go to your local packaging store and find the size/weight limits, then buy a box that fits. DANBOB

Anyway but inflated. :slight_smile:

Thanks RS1…I was wondering where I was going to find a box :roll:

I have shipped my pontoon around N.A. many times in the past 7 years. I ship it in a Shipping Box I had made. Only once, the first toon trip, I shipped it in a cardboard box. It took a glue gun and lots of extra cardboard to repair the carton for the return trip with those UPS Gorillas.:slight_smile:

The box is sturdy and pretty heavy with a shipping weight with the toon and whatever else I throw in like an anchor of about 110-115 lbs. You need to go to the site and understand the size and weight limits they will ship.

Typical one way cost when I take it directly to a UPS location “Customer Counter” which you will find on their site is about $90 from Connecticut to the Rockies.

UPS Stores or UPS Agents can charge what ever $?

I also have a soft sided bag to occassionaly take the toon on an airplane with me. You have to make sure the aircraft they are using can accomadate the oversize bag. The airlines hit you up pretty good for this with a cumulative charge of-- extra bag, oversize bag, over weight bag. This can run from $120-$150 one way.
It is such a hassle to juggle the toon bag through the airport and security I prefer the gorillas. :smiley:

Good Luck and enjoy traveling with your toon.
