uneasy customer from Dallas decides to keep still and not push his luck…
uneasy customer from Dallas decides to keep still and not push his luck…
dun dun… dun dun… dun dun. dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun slerp i think your gonna need a bigger boat! That must have been sharking.
He didn’t cast to it? Was he waiting for a bigger one?
I don’t know, kind of looks like the dog chasing the car, what you going to do with it if you catch it? The fish may be as big as the boat and has more and sharper teeth than the angler. We are only the top of the food chain at home.
Can someone say “Exit! stage rear”
Worst possible strategy: Swim for it!
Big Jon is from Texas and he was happy just to be out…truth is he is a big man and too heavy for all my kayaks so the NuCanoe was only the possible option…if he actually sits on the seat he will sink…while sitting there in 3ft of water a shark began closing in and Jon went to his knees in the center of the kayak to balance out the load…he stayed that way for a long time while I laughed out loud…you should have seen the size of the lemons out today…I will download the pictures shortly
here is a sample of what it looks like without wind…the above shark is a blacktip and the shark below is a big lemon…easy to tell from the yellowish/tan color and also the 2nd dorsal that people think is the tail but the full veiw picture shows the total length…this one is near 8ft
I’ll never forget the shark dive I did in South Africa a few years ago. We had an 18 foot Great White swim by! It was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever witnessed. Oh, and guys…there’s no music playing in the background as they swim by, hehehe. That was actually the most unnerving thing about it; something that big didn’t make even the slightest noise as it swam by at about 6 feet!
Cordell, I think I would’ve been laughing along with you, lol.
You are exactly right… they are totally quiet as they swim by AND no matter what size they are, they look like they are 8-feet long when you are in the water with them until they go over you! Our shark dive off of Paradisio Reef in 1987 brought on some 4-footers that were a little too friendly, and 6-footers that looked very hungry. They were rubbing against us (12-divers) and gave us quite a show. I have never been so glad to get back into a boat… but the adrenaline rush was like no other.
unless it is shallow like shown they can and do pass right under me and I see them as they have already passed…there is not a ripple or any indication they are there…4-7ft sharks can be more stealthy than a bonefish in 3ft of water…I also experience a certain terror when wading and having them surround me or track me…the huge bulls will be gathering in the next few weeks as the rainy season approaches…once they open the freshwater canal flood gates they will be stacked in the freshwater flow and ready to attack…some so big I duck down inside the canoe so they dont see me…my canoe is a little over 40" wide and I promise you the heads on these bulls is much wider than that…I will be taking pictures soon as it rains just before June
I would like to find out how fast they can tow the kayak??? Looks like a fun day.
I’d love to see some of those pics. It is a little spooky standing waist deep in water, looking around thinking, “I’m part of the food chain now.”