Share Your Cricket Patterns

I thought this might be a good thread like the hopper thread. I’ll share mine when I get home.

I like the simple Letort Cricket myself.

I tie these in a dry version and add wraps of .25 lead wire to the ones I want to fish deep.

Here is mine. It began as a Cricket pattern, and became sort of a mutli-tasked fly pattern:^)

The Foam Butt Caddis

I’ve been tying the Letort Cricket too. It’s not necessary to post it because Flytyer did so. My only complaint with the Letrort is working with black deer hair in the hosue. I guess terrestrial season will begin in June.

I use Al Cambell’s Too Simple Elk Hair Caddis pattern for my Too Simple Cricket pattern.

Too Simple Elk Hair Caddis

Hook: Any standard dry fly hook, even cheap ones will do. I’m using a size 16 Mustad 94840 dry fly hook.
Thread: Black, 6/0.
Tail: None.
Body: Punch embroidery yarn. black.
Legs: Knotted pheasant tail barbs, black (I use a sharpie pen). I tie in the legs as I wind the punch yarn for the body.
Wing: Elk hair, bkack (I use a sharpie pen).

Note: I use sharpie pens to color my hooks prior to dressing the patterns to change the hook to match the water color, in water with lots of green coloration I use green, for brackish water I use brown, for all others I use black sharpies. For deep water patterns I use red.

Black Charlie Boy Hopper with a little pearl Crystal Flash in the wing seems to meet the fishes approval.


Too Simple Cricket Pattern–never thought of it and never viewed on the site. That’s a great idea, too!

Charlie Boy Hopper/Cricket–another good idea.

Thanks for your ideas. I was beginning to think I was the only one who fished crickets. LOL!

The Best,


I never really fished crickets seriously until I was out with a guide in Yellowstone - they worked very well in the early morning before the sun got warm enough to stir the hoppers up. Beetles work too, but the Charlie Boy, with a yellow/orange/chartreuse/whatever indicator was easier to see.


===>A few more Al Troth Crickets <===

Al Troth tied this one:

Never have seen this Al Troth Cricket. Interesting. I’m learning a lot from this post.