If any of you all are in the Fayetteville NC area this Sat (4/28), please stop by and join us at our second annual fly tying charity event for March of Dimes. There is increased participation this year and we hope to raise more money for the MOD as well as tie more flies to give to Casting for Recovery.
(http://www.flyanglersonline.com/feature … rc412.html)
Well, the Second Annual Tie-a-thon has come and gone. It was a great success! There were some great ambassodors for the hobby of fly tying and the sport of flyfishing participating. I know that I picked up some valuable pointers. We had more than double the committed tyers relative to last year and set a higher fundraising mark with over $4000 raised for the March of Dimes.
Thanks to everyone for “Tying flies to save babies!”.
Until next year…