I can’t seem to get hits on older posts past April 2007 using the Search function even though I can peruse the forum and manually find a posting containing something I’m looking for. I suppose this is due to the recent upgrades and changes so I’m wondering if the full search capability will be restored in the future. Thanks.
Try it this way. Go to Google. Then type in - site:http://www.flyanglersonline.com —. Preface the word “site” with the word you are looking for, and hit enter.
For example, if you are searching for an older, pre-April post with the word “pike”. Then, all you need to do is enter it into the Google search box as pike site:http://www.flyanglersonline.com .
I can’t say 100% if it will work, but it works very well on another site that I frequent that has a lousy search function.