Why have I had such a hard time with the search function on this site? Can anybody give me some advice? I click search, I type in a word, lets say something common like, fly rod, or sage, or anything… It will not come back with any results… What am I doing wrong?
I dont know why your search isnt working, perhaps it was just being cranky today. has this gone on for a while?
I have had problems in the past with too much information when I try a search here, if you type soft hackle you will end up with lots of hits. if you type soft you get less, but still find soft hackle somtimes you have to figure out the best (least used) word to enter.
I have also had success doing a google search, often the portion of faol I want is in the top three search results of a google search.
Keep in mind - please - we have two (2) search features here on FAOL. One for the site, articles, Fly of the Week and such.
It does NOT catalog the Bulletin Boards. We do have a separate search on the Bulletin Board for the Bulletin Board - AND - it does not catalog the general site content.