sea run cutthroat flies


Here’s a quote that was in the Santiam Flycasters newsletter that I just received.

“As for flies: Purple Joe, Spruce Fly, Reverse Spider, Muddler Min-nows, and almost any trout fly will do.”

Reverse spiders in black, yellow,copper and varigated colors (some with bead head, some without), Cutt Bait (found in the archives), soft hackle flies fished on the swing.

Those are my favorites for fishing in the freshwater.

If you can pick up a copy of Les johnson’s book on Fly Fishing for Sea Run Cutthroat, it’s worth every penny.

Take a look at this FAOL article by the same Les Johnson.

Don’t ask me why I remembered it ??!!


For cutts I have found you only need to know one word… “Red”…

A fly with red in it will outfish any other, everytime… Or so I strongly believe…

Hap, has it right, with the “red” suggestion!!
Here, where I fish for Sea Runs, (more so than any other species, besides Steelhead), I try and incorporate a shot of red into almost all the flies I tie for the SR Cutts.
The flies I use with other color & color combos I’ve found very, productive, has been pink and white and pink and yellow.
My favorites flies, using these colors are…
The Spruce Fly-- Gray Hackle Peacock --Reverse Spider-- Knudson’s Spider–Knudson’s Cutthroat–Alsea Special and the Caballero.
If I had to “chose only one” for a day’s Cutt fishing, it’d probably be the “Caballero”.

thanks guys, i agree with the red and pink and white especially, a pink and white clouser works for me

The Green & Silver

A great fly for either Coho Salmon or Searun Cutthroats, the size of the hook makes the determination.

Originator: Bruce M. Ferguson of Gig Harbor, WA

He is a living legend in the Puget Sound area of Washington State. He was one of the few people who pushed to make it illegal to kill Searun Cutthroat Trout. They were fished so heavily and their spawning habitat was being destroyed so fast that these great fish almost went extinct in Puget Sound. Now thanks to the Catch & Release law and to the many groups who are restoring the creeks for spawning, these fish have made a great comeback.

The first fly is one of Bruce Fergusons original pattern.

The second fly is my version of the Green & Silver that I use for Searun Cutts.

Larry :smiley: —sagefisher—