Has anyone fished the Ana River? I have seen some pics and read everything I can find. Looks like my kind of place just wondering if anyone had any other info. I would also appriciate any info on other desert spring creeks, Thanks.
I have fished it briefly a couple of times just below the reservoir. Maybe not the best place. I found lots of kids with bait there. Pretty desert place. Quite a small river. Where I was I doubt it was ever more than 15’ wide.
The hot summer weather is really hard on the fish there is would suppose. I did catch a couple of fairly nice fish just below the outfall from the reservoir.
I fished Ana once. In the same place as TB. I was not impressed as the creek had a lot of chubs in it. The Fish & Feather guys keep giving it good reports and I am tempted to go back there this summer. As far as other creeks there are a lot of creeks between K Falls & Adel, North to Paisley and South into California. Most of them have either rainbow or brooks, a few have both and one or two have browns. If you get a Fremont National Forest map (you might be able to get one in Redding) you will find a lot of creeks . I have fished most of them north of Highway 140 from K Falls to Adel and some South of 140 between Lakeview & Adel. Since I don’t know what you mean by “Desert Spring Creek” I really don’t want to into much more detail until I know what you are trying to find. Perhaps you should send me a PM & we can go from there.
I made the trip just once, but there was barely a trickle coming from the dam. I wouldn’t take the time to go back there again and like Panman says, plenty other and better creeks closer in for you. Have you tried Butte Creek in the north county Allen? Also I’ve got a creek up on the east side of the E. Mountains you’d love. Not high desert, but small and highly productive.
I guess I will have to get the Oregon Gazateer out tonight. I am really missing the desert lately!
you’re in Redding, what do you need the Ana river for!? sure, you don’t have desert right there…but you do have all that world class year round fishing…
oh, if you do want a desert river, come on up a little further North and you’ll run into the Crooked or the Deschutes…
…sitting here thinking fish4trout might like the Crooked…good goin’ clarkman.
Might also want to try the Fall River or the Chewacan.
Nothing going on in the Ana, everybody move along now, keep your eyes straight ahead. Nothing to see here folks just keep moving…
Nothing at all…
just keep moving…
I mighta fished it once…
Just keep moving…
Here is an idea: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donner_und_Blitzen_River
You can camp at Fish Lake or stay in French Glen. Here are some Images of the Steens Mt. area:
Donner & Blitzen River: http://static.panoramio.com/photos/original/3632185.jpg
View from the top of Steens Mt.: http://i.pbase.com/o4/76/692576/1/65487980.Qr4YtDbX.091700wildhorselake.jpg
Kiger Canyon: http://www.blm.gov/or/districts/burns/recreation/images/steens-kiger.jpg
East view from Steens Mt.- Alvord Desert: http://oregonstate.edu/weeds/Alvord_Desert_2002_001.jpg
Yes I am very blessed to live in the middle of a ton of blue ribbon fisheries…but from time to time I still need an adventure somewhere. Yes I have thought about the Crooked River, I have read about it in a couple of my books. It is probably a little farther than a weekend trip. Thank you very much for the suggestion though.
It’s a great little river in the middle of a beautiful canyon. When you do decide to head up, check the flows very carefully. I haven’t fished it in several years, but I’m heading over there this Monday just for a change from my usual haunts on the Deschutes and Metolius…
Thanks for the pics Doug… I just think that SE part of Oregon is awesome. I love the desert. I grew up in NAriz and never thought I would miss the desert as much as I do…