
I am in the process of building a bamboo rod so the old man was looking for a classic reel for me on e-bay. Look what we scored.


Now two problems…one, I already bought GREEN SILK for the wraps on my bamboo and two, it is right hand retrieve.

But look at it here:

damn that is a sweet looking reel joni.

Red and green … sounds like Christmas colors to me. That reel will look great on a “boo” rod.


Thanks Guys, and Webfoot, the great thing is, I have STARTED wrapping the rod yet :smiley:

You mean you DON’T cast right handed and then switch rod to left hand and reel in with right hand ???


You know back in the day when I started Fly Fishing (1970s) there was ONLY right hand retrieve. I tried converting my reel but the “Masters of the day” jumped all over me. That was not the correct way period - The handle ALWAYS goes outside the body" they would say. Casting right handed and then switching rod to left hand and reeling in with right hand was the STANDARD. It HAD to be done that way. It was TRADITION.

If you were left handed then it was OK to reverse the reel and cast left handed, switching the rod to right hand to reel in with left hand. That was it “The handle goes to the OUTSIDE of the body”

Now I can’t find a right hand retrieve off the shelf - I have to convert every reel I buy so it will be what I am accustomed to and what I learned with.

Nope. I understand that for saltwater and for Salmon or Steelhead it can be a must cause you can reel faster with the dominating had, but being that I don’t do either (for now) I hold rod in right hand with line under pointing finger and strip or reel with left.:cool:

Wow! Great score, what a classic. That’ll be a beaut on your rod. Good luck with it Joni, looking forward to seeing pics of it in action.

Regards… and merry Christmas!


I have 2 older Medalists, both right handed retrieve. While I prefer left handed reterieve & COULD change these reels over, I won’t as I am a diehard traditionalist!
that IS a nice looking reel.


Antique stores are also a good source. Like these.


ohhhh i’d love those flatfish lures. those are sweet!

Are those old Helin Flatfish lures really rare now? If so, & you’re a collector, I’ll watch out. Every once in awhile (although infrequently), a friend will have their Dad’s or Uncle’s old tackle & run it by me. The Flatfish was a pretty popular lure here in Ohio when I was a kid.

WOW, very nice BOB.
Well I have come to the conclusion, that my boo will be a moving water rod, and I generally strip the line as apose to reeling, and the silk thread isn’t on yet, save it for a McFarland or something and order some Burgundy or Blood Red Silk…awww, I feel much better now.:wink:

Joni, if you look at the pic of me that bluegill222 posted here, the rod is in my left hand, my casting hand, and I’m reeling with the right. This is the same for flyfishing or spinningcasting. I don’t know if I could do it any other way!

I have a ton of those flatfish, all in either orange with black dots or black with orange dots in #1s . I haven’t used my spin gear for about 4 years now and just before I converted to fly fishing I bought 25 of them at a marina close-out sale for 25cents each. They were in a an old box that they discovered when they cleaned out the sail loft.
They had the 25c stickers on them so thats what the owner sold them for. I should have bought the whole box as there were 100s of old lures in it.