Santa is a Fly Fisherman

Did anyone notice that the Christmas Gift catalogues for both Cabelas and Bass Pro feature Santa in full FF gear.

I wonder though if Santa is setting a good example. In his picture for Bass Pro, he poses with his rod in vertical position to lead a fish to the net. That is a no-no, Santa. In his picture for Cabelas he is handing a fully rigged fly rod to an enthusiastic 8 year old inside the house. Doing that is asking for trouble in my book.

In both pictures he is sporting a creel big enough to hold a dozen or more trout. To say the least that level of greed is not the model behavior of the 21st Century.

Well, in spite of that, I was glad to see fly fishing getting some respect. Ironically, however, there are no fly fishing items at all in the Bass Pro catalogue and only a few pages in Cabelas.

Go figure.

It’s marketing. All about the $. When I got my Cabela’s catalogue I looked at both fly fishing pages then threw it away. I did go online then and order the small split willow creel from them.

I got a E-Mail from Cabelas today and they are having a sale on flyfishing items.
I can’t recall the details, but Cabelas is opening a store in the near future, in Seattle or somewhere in the area.

Hi Doug,
I don’t mean to hijack this thread, but I wanted to let you know that Cabela’s is supposed to have a store opening in Post Falls next Fall. That’s about 20 miles east of Spokane.

Cabelas also just anounced a store in the Sea-Tac area, they are saying 2008 for an opening date. I can’t remember the exact location.

What is with this uncalled for criticizing of a catalogue. Santa in my opinion is a Jolly old fellow who is represented here pertraying the average male fly-fisherman. Who is to say that he is wrong in what he is doing? What is wrong anyhow? He is catching a fish, having fun and enjoying what he is doing, and who is anyone to criticize that, being that not one of us is perfect in everything we do. And giving an 8 yr old a fly outfit for Christmas, why not. When my son is 8 (maybe less) I will outfit him for the fly and teach hime everything I know and hope that he will soon know more than I ever have. Its the holiday season, forget that crap about being right and just let people go, it’s about them doing as they please, its the american way, have fun and Happy Holidays.

There has been a rumor going around that Cabela’s is going to open a store in the Bozeman area…Just what we need, another big box store…


I knew someone would miss the point and the original irony.

For instance,“When my son is 8 (maybe less) I will outfit him for the fly and teach hime everything I know…” In your living room? :cry:

“Its the holiday season, forget that crap about being right…” What ever happened to “naughty or nice?” :?

The original point was that there is a difference what one does and how one does it. :twisted:

Merry Christmas. :wink:

Yahoo! Thats only 5 hours driving time for me instead of the 12 hour drive it takes to get to the nearest Cabela’s store at present. Plus I actually go thru Post Falls once in a while. When you live as I do out in the hinterland a big box store can be a blessing.

A 9ft fly rod in a living room in the hands of a 8 year old kid is not such a bad deal. Using the Christmas tree for a prop it would be an excellent oportunity to teach him how to properly carry it thru the brush. A shower of sparks from the tree lights would signal a mistake and an absence of sparks would mean you did it right. Neato! If your a kid.
My first pair of ice skates were happily worn to bed by me til my mom came in and made me take them off. Something dumb like it was hard on the sheets. I do remember one year tossing a dummy rubber lure across the living/dining room with my new Mitchel 300 spinning( Dirty word! dirty word! ) :shock: outfit one Christmas. Breaking my Mom’s soup tureen in the process. Tragic at the time but now its a treasured story told every Christmas ever since. Its just all part of the Christmas experience. lol

If you just want to dump on Santa, instead of a want list in the mail you can send him health bullitins about losing some weight along with a hint to get him out of that outdated red outfit. ( It Scares the fish! ) and for pete sake get some newer glasses.
( He’s aways looking over the top them because they don’t focus right )

The big creel ? Heck that would only carry one of the average sized fish from around here! And you do need to keep at least one fish for Castwell’s new Holiday FAOLoween fish feast!

Ps. JC what do you think? FAOLoween? with fish instead of Turkey dinner. We could have it in conjunction with the fall caddis hatch plus it would give people another holiday they could take off to go fishing. I see it as a win win situation but you are the Grande Poobah so it would of course need your Royal edict to become a reality.

YOU mentionion a MITCHELL 300 Spinning Reel!
I think that is a direct violation of one of the BB rules! :cry:
Gnu Bee Flyer, it was nice knowing you! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Doug :smiley:

As long as we’re using bad words, how about Ambassador 5000…Shimano Long Cast…Oh, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. The sins of my past are re-visited upon me. LMAO and having more fun than I should be allowed to.

Joe :twisted:

P.S. I own 17 spin and/or bait casting outfits, 7 fly fishing outfits and a 8’ ODC 816 personal pontoon boat (sold the 17’ bass boat two years ago). I consider myself a well-rounded fisherman who’s comfortable in any fishing environment.

Here’s HOPING that no one turns you into your FFF club! :shock: :smiley:
17 to 7! I would say you were in the market for about ten more flyrods! :shock:
Doug P.S. I’m sure you will only get probation. Our jails are all full. :smiley:

I will see you in purgatory Doug, seeing as how you also mentioned the 300 . ha ha . GOTCHA!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That was a very good reel! :smiley:
Doug :smiley:


You said,

"If you just want to dump on Santa, instead of a want list in the mail you can send him health bullitins about losing some weight along with a hint to get him out of that outdated red outfit. ( It Scares the fish! ) and for pete sake get some newer glasses.
( He’s aways looking over the top them because they don’t focus right )

The big creel ? Heck that would only carry one of the average sized fish from around here! And you do need to keep at least one fish for Castwell’s new Holiday FAOLoween fish feast!"

If Rick missed the point by 90 deg, you missed it by 180 deg. You are “off the hook,” Rick.

GBF, you have succeeded in making a Cabelas and Bass Pro look like intellligent marketers whose Santas appeal to our highest values.

Hire him, Cabelas, before this marketing genius signs with Orvis!

Why does Santa have to be responsible for everything?
Why can’t the Elves get some Reindeer and help him OUT!
Doug P.S. Of course there is only ONE Rudolph. :smiley:

Yo! Bear! Did ya really think I was serious?? I was just poking a little fun at everyone including Santa. Whom I resemble to a frightening degree by the way. :shock:

Ps. JC just penned an article a week or two ago about having fish instead of Turkey for thanksgiving. But He was shot down because of a lack of fish for the occasion so I wanted to give him his own celebration. :lol:

PPs. actually I was about 183 1/2 Degrees out of kilter Or so the doctors say.

I’ve actually been caught by club members on stream with my fly rod and my 10’6" Noodle Rod, and not too pleasant comments were made. I let it roll off my back because i’m there to fish for Steelhead, not to look like an Orvis Boy :twisted:
Oh, and yes, I’m in the market for a couple more fly rod outfits. I’d like a nice 3wt outfit for bluegills and crappies for starters. Do they make a 10’ 3wt for crappies? :lol: That would be like a willow branch!


Not even if Orvis offered you a six figure endorsement contract, with incentives? :smiley:
Orvis could take a photo of you and you could be on the catalog instead of Santa!
Of course the downside is you couldn’t touch WORMS any more. :cry:
Doug P.S. Zonkers work great for crappie!