Saltwater Swap

I’ve decided to throw my hat into the ring and host a saltwater fly swap.

Deadline to sign up is 3/22 or whenever it gets full. To the first 12 tyers. Deadline for all flies is April 17 (That’s a Friday). I have to have these back out April 18 (that Saturday) in the mail as my family and I are going to Grand Canyon for the week following and there is no mail on Sunday. If you haven’t sent them within three days prior to the deadline don’t send them otherwise you’ll have to wait a week just to get all your own flies back. You “could” swing it if your state is next to or close to Nevada where I live.

If this is too soon of a turn-around for you, don’t commit as I will hold fast to this deadline. If you have to drop-out due to an illness or emergency, let me know as I am an understanding person. If you’re a no-show and I never hear anything from you, nor do I ever get your flies, I’ll keep your name on my personal list of dead-beat tyers and notify other swapmeisters of your no-show on this swap.

Here are the rules:
Please do not signup if you do not intend to complete this one.

As you sign up try to let me know which fly you will be tying and what
size hook you will be tying. This helps everyone to know what size box to use.

Be sure to ship your flies in a box big enough and strong enough to
hold the flies you will be getting back.

Enclose it along with a return stamped and addressed envelope
into an envelope strong enough to hold it all.

No metered mailing strips please.

Don’t forget to toe tag your flies.

Please let me know when you ship your flies.

Also please mark your envelopes with your online name and the swap name.

I will PM you My Shipping Address as you sign up for the Swap. Please let me know when you receive my Address.

At the end of the swap please let me know when you receive the flies back.

Have fun!

Note: If you use the fly in salty water, it’s fair game. Don’t care if it’s used in inlets or backwater salt marshes that are salty. Salt water is the key. Doesn’t have to be a Caribbean bonefish or tarpon fly, etc.

1.) Jared DuBach (HOST) – Lefty’s Deceiver Cockroach

If you have questions please feel free to ask me. My above criteria makes me seem like a slave-driver, but I just want to be fair to all who got theirs in on time, etc., and I’ve been in way too many swaps lately where people were just complete no-shows to the host.

Wow. No takers so far.

Closing the swap early due to an overwhelming lack of interest. If you are interested in maybe trading some flies, PM me.