Anyone here own a 9’ 4 wt Sage Z-Axis or TCX fly rod? I have a Sage Fli 480-2, but need a multi piece rod for ease of travel. I favor fast compact casting strokes. I like to get your opinion on these rods. The rod will be used maining for fishing small creeks, streams, and lakes where wind can be a factor. If you have other rod suggestions in fast action 9’ 4 wt multi piece rods, please offer them up here as well.
Also, how taxing is the 4 wt TCX on muscles and joints on a day of fishing or two or three?
My Z-Axis is a 9’, 3wt, 4pc. I find it ideal for the kind of fishing you describe. It is anything but tiring when I use it for several consecutive days. It’s a fast rod that will shoot line a long ways with little effort. Good Luck and Best Regards…
I haven’t cast a TCX, but I do have the 4 wt Z-Axis, but in 8.5 feet. I prefer my BIIX for the small stream around here where you mostly cannot execute a ‘long’ cast because that would be around a bend. For wind, I would prefer the Z, but the high grass mostly blocks the wind where I fish. If I’m where it will be more open (usually a little larger river) I just move up to a 5 wt. Since I mostly use 4’s on the smaller streams, the Z-Axis sees little use. I’d say the FLi will be a bit stiffer then a Z, so if you like that rod, you may prefer a used 4 wt XP.
The Z-Axis is a much more dynamic all-arounder than the previous TCR or TCX. The TCX is a very fast rod that does a few things exceptionally well, The Z-Axis is a strong med-fast rod that does a lot of things very well. The TCX is a good third or fourth rod that most customers acquire for fairly specific applications.
Well, personally I bought my 697-4 TCR for wind, more wind, type VII sink lines, and throwing big dries. I use Deep lake 7 and Windcutter lines on it. I don’t really like fast rods, but sometimes they get the job done better… but it’s not ideal for fighting fish on standard trout weight tippets. It’s a kicken’ bass rod (big Hex duns on the lake behind the house), with a heavy leader you can really stand on it.