Sage XP 5wt

I have just bought a Sage XP 5wt second hand for N.Z.$290 (I think this is about U.S. $200). So did I get a good deal? I am very pleased with the rod so I guess I did!
More importantly will this rod cast well with my 6wt line or do you think I need to buy a 5wt line to get the best out of the rod?
Thanks in advance for your opinions.
All the best.

You got a great rod at a very good price. I use a 5 wt. line on mine but I have no doubt the rod can easily handle a 6wt. line. Congratulations on a high value purchase.

You got a great deal! I bought one brand new back in May and have no regrets. It is an exceptional rod. I have only used 5 wt lines (floating, floating with sinking tip and full sinking) on this rod. For me when I change weight is usually by +/- 2 so I tend to fish 3/5/7. I think you’ll find sticking to the manufactures line wt that the rod performs at its best.

Mike - Bought my XP 5wt when they were first released. I’ve got graphite rods made by Sage, Winston, Orvis, Scott, Powell, Redington, G.Loomis, Thomas & Thomas, Diamondback, St. Croix, Fenwick, Cabela’s, L.L. Bean, and several custom rods , and if I had to give them all up except for one, I would keep the Sage XP 590-4. Mine works best with a Rio Grand WF5F, or a SA GPX WF5F, but it will work just fine with a 6wt line, especially at shorter distances. Enjoy!

Sounds like you answered your own questions! :slight_smile:

I think you got a very good deal on that rod. I have an XP 6 wt that I absolutely love. I would try it with a 5 wt line since that is what the it is designed for. I have 6 wt line on my rod and wouldn’t change it since it really seems to work well for me.

Thanks for the feedback guys, looks like I will be looking for a 5wt line.
All the best.

Say, where can I get a deal like that? :smiley:

I have a 4wt, 5wt, 6wt and 8wt XP and I’ld be lying if I didn’t say that you got a heck of deal for $200. Enjoy!

Mike; I fish with a mate who has a 5Wt Sage XP.

Must tell you if he cans over in a river. I will be grabbing for the rod First. :wink: Jax

I have a Sage XP 9 foot 5 wt 4 piece.
I use Rio Grand line in WF5F on it, and I like that combination very much.

Hi Mike,

I think you got a really good deal. I have a 5wgt Sage LE, which works really well with a 5 wgt line. If you are in the central city, I always find the fellows at Tisdales give good advice. Peter Scott (who is on the national team and just back from Portugal where we did quite well: beat the Australian’s at least!) works there and he fishes Sage. John (older fellow) likes to fish smaller streams, using a wetline, and he likes the XP. Tell him where you like to fish, and how, and he should be able to set you up proper. Finally, if you’re a member of an angler’s club, show them your card and they’ll give you 10% off.

  • Jeff

P.S. I made it out to the Wairoa near Clevedon a couple weeks ago for a couple hours while my wife worked at her parent’s shop. Got two rainbows about 27 and 28 cm! Water was low but running clearer then I’ve ever seen it before; so cloudy for other rivers but at least bottom was visible in places!

Jeff the main reason I asked for input about the line was that I already own a sage rpl #6 and it seems to cast a #7 line just as well as a #6 so if the xp is the same I will save some money and use my #6 line. If I get home early enougth tonight I will lawn cast with my #6 line and see how it goes.
I also hope to use my new pontoon boat for the first time this weekend, weather and time permiting so will try the new rod on that as well.
All the best.

Mike-ie, Quit making excuses. Buy the friggin’ 5wt line. :twisted:

Hi Mike, Greetings from Dunedin. I have a 590 XP and a 586-4 XP. In my opinion the 5wt XP’s cast perfectly with the rated line weight. I use a SA DT5F ‘Trout’ on mine. Magic! :slight_smile:


I really do not know how to tell you this, but, straight out. Everyone here has been lying to you. The XP is a piece of junk and has been discontinued because it was a piece of junk. Everyone here is afraid to tell you that up front for fear of hurting your feelings, but, I believe in being up front with everyone. I am willing to help you “save face” with all your friends and I will send you the $200 you spent so that you can get your money back. Since I am the one helping you out, it is only fair that you pay the shipping and handling charge for sending me the junkie XP you got stuck with and I will destroy it for you. :twisted:

Warren; Guess if Mike falls for your pitch, you will be doing one mighty fish-athon trying to destroy the rod. SOOooo, I’m going to suggest you let Mike send it to me first. I’m much closer, and when I throw in the towel. I will send it on for you to have a go at finishing it off. Have Fun. Jax

Hey! Who’s BB is this, anyway! I get first ‘dibs’ on any rod-trashin’. Pack it very carefully, send it off and I will give it a proper disposition.
Your very good buddy, Jim…

My turn, … JC has too much work.

The XP might be “defective”, … Now, … seeing as I already have several including an identical one, … you should send it to ME and I’ll test it for a while (a couple seasons), … try some different lines on it.

Leave it to me for 3 seasons and I’ll send it back to ya with the right line on it :slight_smile:

Well Guys I lawn cast the rod last night with my WF6 line and it is a lovely rod to cast, nice tight loops, very little effort to get the line out 60ft and in a good gusting wind I was landing my line within 12 inches of the target most times. I am very impressed with this rod, I felt comfortable with the rig within 2 or 3 casts. The rod did not feel over lined at all so for now I will fish it with this line and will wait for Christmas to replace it with a 5wt line.
Thank you all for your input.
All the best.

Hi Mike,
If you like the action your current line produces that’s really all that matters. But, think on this, that means you’ll use the same line on two rods. If you had a nice sparkly new 5wgt line and reel to go with the new rod, then those lines would only see half the usage and so last twice as long. That means replacing lines less frequently, and so, buying a line will save you money… hmmmmm, seems to make more sense when I say that to myself rather than outloud? ha!

  • Jeff