was wondering if any of you tied any of these and have a few pics to share. i searched here on FAOL and there wasn’t to much to be found. i would like to tie a few up to stick on my hat or vest. please submit any pics or ideas
warm water
was wondering if any of you tied any of these and have a few pics to share. i searched here on FAOL and there wasn’t to much to be found. i would like to tie a few up to stick on my hat or vest. please submit any pics or ideas
warm water
You will find some images and ideas [url=http://www.flytyingforum.com/index.php?act=Search&CODE=show&searchid=0882ec4f430d97bb4c90522c7e9ca597&search_in=posts&result_type=topics&highlite=safety+pin:c2847]here[/url:c2847].
Warm Water,
There was a swap of flies tied on safety pins a couple of years ago. If you do a search for “safety pin fly swap”, you should find it.
Yup. I was in the swap that Steve mentioned. I bel;ieve the meister was Ilmbaba.
Some very nice creations came out of that swap.
hmm only 1 pic in the thread for the swap on FAOL. i still could use some more pics, if anyone has any that they could share
Think about it and get creative!
Just get a safety pin and tie your favorite fly on it.
Open it up and stick it in the vise! The pin shown below is one for beadwork.
Good one Normand;
Nice Pics. I have used Old Fashioned Tie Pins [Yes I am that old] and they give a nice neat fly with the Pin Head hidden, and sit pretty when pinned on. Give it a try. Jax
When I saw the topic heading I thought what a great idea, so I tied this safety pin hopper in Xmas colours for my wife (for fun).
Merry Xmas to you all
When I’m tying, I rely on muscle memory to complete a lot of tasks, so I can be lazy and watch TV while tying. When doing the safety pin flies I was jerked back to reality by running the point of the pin into a knuckle a couple of times. After that I put a pencil eraser on the sharp point and went back to the catatonic bliss of the idiot box.
probably a bit more pricey, but I have seen full dress Atlantic Salmon flies tied on gold colour hooks with a lapel pin on the back which have been tied here locally. I think the hooks cost a couple bucks each, though.
hey guys, thanks for all of the ideas and pics